Monday, March 31, 2008
, 8:39 PM
One word. BORED. School was BORING. Ym got singled out during assembly. Assembly had IDMI briefing. Detain for 1 period after school by Hia. Then chiong jap ca2 with ym. Went sweetalk with juniors again, this time without the boys. They were playing basketball with a fruit. Lmao. So.... kelian sehh.. 3rd lang lors. BORING. Yl just told mi my IDMI group. I love it. Too bad for him. Tio kok and sqr. Dun mind having him in my group. But im not the one deciding. Im happy as it is. No nid change. Our group can make it. If we dun slack. And dun extra. And dun get on each others' nerves(i think some of us will) Im bored.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
, 8:33 PM
Nth much happened todae, so i'll keep this short. Went to church as usual, and ern had loadsa fun after service :P Took quite a few pics during kaleo and we had prayer walk! It was fun, but i had to leave halfway :X Then went for ballet and mi bro went for sailing. Apparently no wind todae, so they didnt launch. Lucky freaks. Mi, charmian and tijany signed up to help for some regattas todae. At least i wont be alone edi. Lastly, some totally random pics.  Took this pic in class. Wanted to make the lolipop look like a guitar but it didnt reli work out... Uhh, tilt ure head to see. Its a mango coke! :D Honestly! Lincoln running away as i try to take his pic. :P
Saturday, March 29, 2008
, 9:16 PM
I won 3rd for 800m at sports meet yesturdae!!!!! -smiles widely- Yesturdae was super super fun. I met kc after the meet to pass him his bdae present, even though i wanted to pass it to him earlier. I ran until i was half dead, and lost mi 2nd placing in the last 10m. T.T Ohh well... at least i beat jiaqi :X After the meet, mi , chengsin and lincoln went out to tiong bahru plaza to watch Slam. Then sth happened that i reli dnwana say sooooo, skip till todae. Today went bball training at 8am and it was super slack! A div guys had match against dhs alumni and coach played lehh. He pro sehh, run super fast and jin two 3pointers. In the last quarter, one of the refs fouled out number 8 of alumni, and number 11 said 'shit you' to him. Ref gave him technical foul. Then while one of A div was doing his free throws, number 11 said sth to the ref and ref disqualified him. He bu shuang, wan pick fight. mi and qianye sitting as table judges and we were so scared we were hugging each other. The refs quickly got their stuff and left while coach and the guys tried to calm the guy down. it was seriously scary lors! >.< Then had sailing and nth much there. Went SB for dinner and played uno instead of the usual game and went home lors. Nth else lers. Seriously need sth to do. Im boredddd!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
, 9:19 PM
Todae was super slack! :D School had nth much... Cept that i realised mark tan actually not that ghey luhhs.. he actually admitted that he feels that 1 and half hrs of lesson is seriously too long... the first teacher to say so lehh! :X I sms-ed throughout the day again, but i paid alot of attention in school todae lehh! :P After school had bball training, and coach didnt come! Woots!~ Today is the 3rd day in a row ive met up with mi newest didi, lincoln. He wanted mi to go his school and help him wif hist project, but i said i had training, so he took the initiative to come. He loves mi canteen food anws ;P I had to bring him to the gym, even though im sure he knows his way but just wans mi to bring him.... -.- Mi and jiaqi slacked in training, and i did mi homework with lincoln all the way until we had to go outside. He stayed in the gym and when we came back, i found that he left ler. Never say bye then leave lehhhhhh! What kind of didi ish that..... x) We had free food during training lehh! Lincoln gang hao go buy sth to eat, saw us eating free cakes :P After training i went to yicha to pickup mi bro then go home. BORING :X Tmr is the annual 4 schs combined sports meet! Im running 800m at bishan stadium at 8.40am! ;P so precise hors? Ehh, cheer louder luhhh! Even though when we run, we cant hear, it helps to know that got ppl cheering der, then u will think:"omg, got ppl watching, must run faster so i wont make a fool of myself." Hehes. It works lors! Jiayous to myself and everyone else running/jumping tmr! :DD <333 bakamono! ;D
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
, 9:39 PM
Ive been hyper for the past 2 days, until about an hour ago. Yesturdae sch was boring! I sms-ed lincoln, chengsin and ricky throughout the day. After school, i pon cca for science project. We were in physics lab 1 and managed to finish it properly this time! Eli and haihua did the project with mi. Lincoln reli came to school to look for mi ytd, and i dun reli regret it. :D He went around telling people that he was here to see his sister, so i became his sister for the day. I dun mind, cos im 1 day older than him, so i become his jie! >:D He was carrying his guitar and played a couple of tunes in the lab. He helped a lil bit with the project by giving comments. :X He got dao-ed by eli at one point when he tried to introduce himself and his reaction to that was kinda funny. x) Todae had PE after 2 periods of LA. PE was fun! We ran 1.6 todae, and i completed it in 7min 53 secs, and the guys requirement was 8mins. x) Ms Tan say i run well, then excuse mi for standing broad jump exercise after that. >:D Rest of the day wasnt that fun. Bizlab announced which groups remain together and which groupd have to split. Sadded luhh, have to split then i joined chingyun's group. Yulong, zhenwen, wenkai and hoeshuen also joined, cos they sat in the 'sitting on the fence' zone, and teacher made them join. They were okay with it, and promised not to annoy her.. that much. :D I became the marketing assist. ldr and zhenwen is the ldr. We get along okay luhhs. He can be serious when the occassion demands it. x) Then, after school was 3rd lang. Ym ponteng, sabrina ponteng. So i followed. MI and ym went to watch movie at marina, and i asked lincoln along. :D Ohh yeah, Lincoln is now mi didi for real! Well sorta real. x) We watched spiderwick chornicles, ihad to watch again... It was fun! :D Enjoyed myself todae. :D YEAHHH!
Monday, March 24, 2008
, 8:11 PM
OMG IM HYPERRRRRRRRRRRRR :D This morning i went school and elaine was in mi class... again... her arm was broken, cos she fell down(though i duno how). It was super hot during flag raising todae and can see haihua sweat like hell, her shirt all wet :O Had maths 1st period, and it was plain BORING. Next was LA lecture, which was equally, if not more, boring. Lucky got ppl(like ricky and jeremy ;D) who sms wif mi in class and help mi ease mi boredom. Then was recess and i ate quite alot sehh. Duno why super hungry todae. Maybe being hyper burns alot of energy? -Note to all those who keep bugging mi on why I never seem to gain weight- After recess was cheer practice assembly and after the sec2 got dismissed they called us back to the hall AGAIN. waste more energy walking back and forth. Nvm, at least wasted 10mins of geog, which usually is boring(I think practically everything is boring apparently :P) but todae she teach green revolution, which is actually quite interesting! :D Then was ghey indian mark tan's hour of crappy LA and then dismiss lor. After school went lang centre for 3rd lang and had lunch there. Ate alot again and i was super high there. Talked to chengsin on the phone for 45mins i think then mi and yvonne(eve), shaoyang and bryan went to sweetalk to buy bubble tea cos got alot of time. Sabrina never come cos she freaking out over her jap ca2 so we help her buy. Eve treat the guys to bubble tea cos they say they no money, and after that then found out that shaoyang got $25 in his wallet back at the centre.... we helped sabrina buy orange ice blended and the three of them took turns to carry it back cos they all complain that its cold after carrying it for awhile. I didnt, cos i had mi phone in mi right hand and drink in mi left, and anws im their senior, so they cant make mi do nth >:D It was bryan carrying for 2 mins, then pass to eve, then after 3 mins, pass to shaoyang, then after less than a min pass bac to bryan and so on... When we brought it back to sabrina she was laughing like hell when she saw bryan carrying it and looking so paisehh... Next was lesson lor, then ym annoy mi like shyt todae then i got super pissed at him and yelled at him 3 times. Thank god he shut up after awhile. teacher change seats for class todae, but even though mi and ym talk alot, she never split us lehh. We high fived each other when we found out that we're the only two ppl that didnt get split :D Then mom drove mi home cos raining super heavily and i didnt eat alot for dinner cos i think after yelling at ym i not hyper edi ;D *lesson learnt: hyper-ness burns alot of energy* Man, hope lincoln doesnt come to mi sch tmr to look for mi(he said he wanted to). Ill be reli paiseh if halfway thru bball training, some random and hypered guy stands there and yells:"Helops Nicole!" Maybe i should pretend im sick tmr and ponteng training. Just to be safe? :X
Sunday, March 23, 2008
, 4:06 PM
Alot of things to post cos alot of stuff happened over the weekend :D ~Yesturdae! Went for bball training at 10am instead of 8am. Yayy! More sleep! But training was tiring as usual, if not more tiring. We did 2 rounds of left layups, with a suicide run in between. 1st round, we hit 249, but target was 255. Coach not happy cos we missed alot, so suicide. Then second round, mi and jiaqi kept chionging over and over within the last 5 mins and we made the target. That was the good news. Bad news was that we missed 86, and if we managed to bao wo at least 40 of them, we hit guys standard. Omg. Coach seriously was nt happy. At least i left after that so i was spared from the right hand layup. Phew. After that was mi godbro, zach's, bdae party. We went hometeam NS@ bukit batok(location of kaleo camp '07) for LASER QUEST!!!!!! :D it was hell lotta fun and i was in green team all the way with mi other godbro josh and some other ppl. We owned cos of mi brilliant strategy and josh's awesome leadership. :D Then had dinner there and then went charissa's house to play Wii, then went home at 11plus. ~Todae! Went church for easter service! And we were early for once :D Joel had a solo(which was proudly announced by pastor andrew) and there was one song called "Alive Forever Amen!" that totally rocked the sanctuary cos it was LOUD! When it came to the bridge there was one line that went something like 'let the people dance(i think?)' and joel did isolation on stage! He was right there in the middle and mi and dil saw it and we were like:"did you just see what joel did?" and started laughing like crazy. He saw us and started laughing too, but almost no one else could figure out why :D Service today was lenten reflections and alot of singing. After that was easter lunch, and i ate quite alot cos i was hungry :X Then went for ballet instead of sailing cos got no wind and i didnt have mood to get wet for nothing. I was late and found out it started at 1... Sheesh.... Nothing else, must maximise time on internet cos its actually working todae!
Friday, March 21, 2008
, 5:44 PM
Im boredddddddddddddd.... freaking boredddddddddd. The day started off okay luhhs. Went church for good fridae service. We had meditation of silence. There was one little boy behind us who asked his mom: "mama, why is everyone so sad?" The mom told him the reason in a very nice manner and after which he replied: "then shouldnt it be 'bad fridae' and not 'good fridae'?" So cute rite? :D After service went wif mi godbrothers to watch spiderwick chronicles at suntec.... and saw the cabalsea event there. I was like: omgomgomg i wana go see. But mi godbrothers(being the anti comp savy ppl that they are) dragged mi off. Pfffft. The movie was nice luhh,and i enjoyed myself todae :D mainly cos godbros bought mi icecream and treated me to lunch? >:D Hehes. I nida buy rhonda and kc bdae presents. kc is easy, just a ppc. But rhonda.... uhh... christian related thing that costs less that $15? Hard sehh.. have to go shopping for gifts again.......... I freaking hate shopping; complete waste of time. :P kaes that's about it... nth else.... im freaking boredd... Oh yes, chengsin, u had better buy mi dat crumpler sling bag for mi bdae. >:D
Thursday, March 20, 2008
, 8:38 PM
Mi legs are freaking tiredddddd again.... If you duno by now, its cos i had bball training todae. School started off with 1 period maths, got maths test and i am sooo gona fail. History had to do assignment in class instead of as homework cos got ppl never do their hols homework. Then was recess and mi and shuen were playing psp in class.. as usual ;D Next was PC and lim bl talk alot of crap for 1hr. Then malay teacher never come so got free period, followed by 1 period science where we learnt about food science cos we finished that topic edi. Tang kept us back half hr for geog makeup, so i had to chiong lunch, science practical worksheet and change within half an hour. Thx to mi juniors for helping mi buy lunch and submitting worksheets to mdm rozana's locker. ;D Training todae was tiring. We did 239 fullcourt left hand layups in 15mins when our target was supposed to be 260. For right hand we did 209 in 15mins when target was 265. :X Then we had a break and coach made us do left hand again, this time target was 240. We barely hit it. He told us:"If u wana play C div this year, u must hit at least 275 everytime we do this drill." We were all like"omg no way". After another break, he made us run 15 times across the court in 1min 2 times. I managed to hit the target but barely. Jiaqi didnt even finish lors. I hit 16 she did 13 nia. He dismissed us after a briefing and mi legs were aching as i climed the stairs out of the gym. Louis was damm cute todae. Durin the 1st left hand layup exercise, he asked mi a reli random question: "U play maple right?" "Yeah." "ure ign is magika right?" "yup." "see i so smart." "i also know yours wad. It's cl0udrulez." "-silence-" He actually pronounced magika properly. Sweeet. So many people cant lors. x) On the way home, mi mom was driving on AYE but there was a massive jam. Then the car behind us banged into the bumper. Mi mom stopped the car, inspected the damage, and got back in. The other driver didnt even bother to get out, and i saw him laughing to his wife in his car. I took down the car no. but dun tink its gona be much use. So what if he's a lexus? So what if his car costs freaking hell more than ours? Still laugh after banging other people's car? Sheesh. Mi mom's out for ladies nite wif her frenx now so ive got unlimited comp access till she gets bac. She didnt drive, so she'll take longer! >:D Hehes. Kae ima gona go maple cos im reli bored. Buhbyes.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
, 7:47 PM
Mi legs are freaking tireddddddddddddddd! T.T Try doing 150 full court layups in 10mins. Everyone else averages 10 plus, but i did 20plus. Mi speed is okay. Only thing in that i have to release ball earlier, not at underbasket. Must train hard for C div this year! Playmakers are important! ;D -high fives ricky- Yesturdae was kinda boring in school, cept for music. We finished the malay music thing so we had percussion! ;D It was lotsa fun and i especially love the drums. After school was bball training and it started at 2, which only leaves 15mins for lunch. Siighs. At least coach came late? x) He dismissed us at 6.30 after the 150 full court layups(as mentioned above), which is pretty early already. Today, had maths 1st two periods again, an hour of pure boredom. Then was PE! ;D Ms tan put is into groups to run track, according to our 2.4 timings. I was in the 11/12min group.. and the only gal there. :X She was telling mi, bring shame to the boys, run faster. I wish i could, but mi legs were aching. At least i wasnt the slowest; ben was. x) Then we had sit and reach and sit ups then recess edi. LA we covered some basics on TKaM and science did some reli fun experiment on food tests. Hcl was plain boring so i ended up playing psp in class. After school supposed to have bizlab but i left earli for piano exam. I saw ben leaving a few minutes before to mi and he waved at mi before his dad drove off. o.o Talk about a small world. Later at the music studio, i saw ben again. I didnt know he was taking his grade 5 violin exam todae too. I was directly after him. When he came out, the first thing he said was: Man, i screwed up. Lol. When i went in, the examiner called ben a silly boy cos he left his book inside. Lmao. His accent was seriously funny. I messed up badly, but should be able to pass... i hope. :X Tomorrow have to stay back for science project again cos we kinda messed up the previous one. Whee, more fun wif different solvents and apples! ;D The milk apple tastes nice. Reli. Anyone wana try? -crickets- Fine. Kicks chengsin's balls [yes, he has them] >:D
Saturday, March 15, 2008
, 9:22 PM
OMFG. Im sunburnt. Badly. Well, this week was the national youth open championship from tuesdae till saturdae. I couldnt participate cos tues ive got bball training, thurs ive got ballet exam and todae i had theory exam. So its kinda wasted to pay 60 plus bucks for 3 days of racing. In the end, they didnt race for the first 3 days cos it kept raining and there wasnt any wind. Actually, the third day had wind, but also had cat 1(its a storm for all you ppl who dun understand) so they raised AP over A(that means races postponed till further notice and further signals ashore) for the benefit of noobies. Then fridae i had nth to do, so Uncle george asked mi to go look for uncle james, and guess what? He coincidentally needed people to help out on alpha course(that's the byte and laser course)! I asked him last week but he said that they had enuf ppl edi. Lucky some people called in sick lors :D I had 2 choices: go on uncle george's motorboat or go on alpha com boat. Of cos i chose the com boat. I mean, how often do you get to go on the com boat? :D Wished i could have gone on the bravo course com boat(that's the optimist one, and the class of boat i sail), but oh well... There were 2 old ppl on the boat, plus 3 helpers, me, keith and shernelle. I learnt alot while i was on the boat. Lesson #1: Its very comfortable to fall asleep on the hull of the com boat... especially when they're racing and there's no wind, it can get pretty boring. Im the one recording the boats and keith's the one raising the flags, so we were sitting on the hull. We both felt kinda sleepy after awhile cos there wasnt any wind, so we both fell asleep.... Lesson #2: Dun leave your jacket unattended... especially if the wind measures 20 knots... unless you have someone like keith to help catch it :D Thanks a bunch man. Lesson #3: Watch out for fishermen... "Kelvin, can you go check out mark 3? There's a fisherman there loading it onto his boat. We cant see what he's doing, he might be cutting the line... faster, the laser coming already..." LOL. well, after he handled the mark, he dropped it so far away from the other one and the gate became like, 500m apart.... nvm if you dun understand... ask mi to explain... "Race control, race control, this is alpha com. There is a fisherman dropping his nets right in the middle of our start line, over." Lesson #4: Dun drink so much water.... especially since in com boat, you cant jump overboard and well.... So you have to hold until you get bac to shore. An example would be keith... Lesson #5: No matter how fast they rush you out, put sunblock... Or end up like mi, badly sunburnt. Lesson #6: Dun tell your frenx they you're gona be on the com boat... "OMG, Isaac look! Nicole's on the com boat! Nicole's on the com boat!" "What the...." "What are you doing here?" etc. Hmm, that's about it. :D I got learn other things luhh, that can benefit mi when i go to byte. Not bad sehh, i get paid $10 for slacking out at sea and getting sunburnt. I reli wna go learn to drive motorboat so in 4 years time, i can earn $30! :D So todae, every1 ask mi why i nvr go on com boat. I wanted to. Its reli fun. Mayb nxt time i get to do bravo course. Or get to raise the group flags. I wont know. After today's racing, we went to SB again and played cards and had dinner. Cant believe amos wanted to protest jury and used mi bro as witness.... and in order to do dat, teacher have to sign the form, and since ms koh not around... guess who is the teacher's assistant? Me lors... -.- His mom asked ms koh for mi number..... sheesh... might as well give to all the taonan parents if they need help or what..... practically all of them have it edi anws... Ballet exam on thursdae was okayy. I made quite a few mistakes at the barre and got the wrong hand for mi pirrouette. She skipped a couple of exercises including "tone lies" and we were like damm happi sehh... Mi character dance was the last dance of mi group so i was reli nervous can? I messed up and mi clicks couldnt come out.... Theory exam was quite okay... forgot some terms but overall can pass bah... Hmm, that's my holidae lor... homework havent do yet... must go chiong edi... Im going kaleo with sunburn tmr. Ern, you can see a red lobster. Your turn to chase mi around with a fork :P
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
, 6:07 PM
Todae went for guild outing.. it was alot of funn! ;DD The pics are on guild blog. Im not in them cos no 1 volunteered to help mi take >:D In the morning i was mapling with chengsin and we did a scene or two for mmv. Then we had to change the outing location last min cos the ppl in the west whom we so kindly agreed to accomodate for werent coming... -.- So we went plaza sing instead of tiong bahru and watched the movie at 2.10. It was kinda emotional, and at one point the movie was completely silent and can hear ppl crying.... Some1(u noe who u are) told mi to bring tissue paper but i didnt cos i didnt even need it... The person i wanted to watch this movie most with didnt come... but like they say, there's always next time rite? I ran home from the busstop soaked cos i didnt bring umbrella and it was raining. Ima go post guild blog now and upload pics. Go see if u have time. ;D
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
, 8:17 PM
Omg im freaking tired. Ballet practice today from 4.30 to 6.45. Ytd was trial exam plus training from 4.30 to 7. Thank god im not going tmr. Exam's on thursdae though. Freaking nervous... Todae i didnt train even though i went for bball practice. Told coach dat if i pull muscle again im not gna b able to do mi exam. Im not going for training on thurs and sat too... But lin lao shi says if i dun make team this year she's going to be freaking shocked cos im one of the best players? o.o Lol. Then i had piano lesson from 12.45 till 3.15 cos theory exam on saturdae and had cup noodles for lunch :X I reached joochiat cc at like, 3.30 cos i had to run through the rain. I was in bball warmup tee mind you. its dry fit and freaking cold when wet. So when i reached cc, i found mi usual hiding place and sat there playing psp until 4.15, then i went to change and saw the examiner leaving. Omigawsh she's freaking young and i hear she skips some exercises. Hope she leaves out "pirroette en deon" cos i suck at dat. >.< So mrs skipp went thru syllabus and kept saying we do things wrong even though ms chew tell us to do dat and blah blah blah... at least mi character dance is finally perfected! :D and mi "waltz enchantment" ending can seriously own the others lor.... x) So ima go charge mi camera and take more pics at guild outinggg tmr ! :D -hope you can come. Really. <33-
Monday, March 10, 2008
, 8:15 AM
Comp had prob ytd, so ill be posting ytd's pics 2dae! ;D Ytd in kaleo had lotsa funnn! ;D I stabbed ernest like 3 times with a fork? I mean, he's a cake rite? x) And i brought mi camera around ytd so ive got pics to show x)  "Ive got you cake! You cant run away!"  -poke poke-  I look seriously spastic.... 
The brother of the cake...."beehoon"... And ytd was sharynn's bdae celebration.. the trippers baked her a cake! ;D   The cake had m&m's and was delicious! ;D  Wadd irony....cake eating cake... Then jianshin gave us ytd's kaleo msg and guess who did the short performance? Hmm, well i wanted to upload vids but they take too long so.... nvm.... After kaleo i went for ballet and ms tan said mi 'waltz enchanment' is perfect! ;DD omgg yay! i finally managed to complete mi jumps properly. x)) Then i went to noss to put mi boat up on the rack and sat there playing psp and eating cup noodles while waiting for every1 else to wash their boats and stuff cos they went sailing and i didnt. Later we went to SB and played cards for like, 1hr plus then mi family went home. At home while i was doing maths on moodle, some1 msged mi something and i was reli reli happi and hyper-ed and i slept at midnite cos i was talking on the phone for 1hr 14mins ;D see mi msn pm? omgg im just sooooooooooooooo happi ^^
Saturday, March 8, 2008
, 9:21 PM
Woots!~ I got a psp todae! :DD Todae had bball training and it was kinda okayy. I left at 12 cos mi mom came :X Ana wasnt here again cos of her knee injury. Hope she gets better soon. Mom brought mi to carrfour suntec to buy psp! ;D <33 her loads! But i hav to pay 50% of the total cost of it and 2 games :X ahhh well ^^ Hmm, yeah, peoples, i pontenged sch ytd >:D no wonder u didnt see mi there lors. Shuen didnt msg mi and ask why dis time. Speaking of which, i found out on thurs dae shuen is mi mortal, and im his mortal too! o.o Weird. The angel is the mortal's mortal and the mortal is the angel's angel. makes sense? Yeahh, i know it doesnt. x) Then after buying psp went home lors. I played awhile then go shower then go for ballet. Todae i spent 3hours at joochiat cc cos ms chew went thru entire syllabus.... damm tiring sehh.... Then went to cousin's hse cos she just gave birth to yet another one of mi nephews.... so now i have 1 niece and 3 nephews... v fun rite? ;D Blogging at her house now.... had dinner here too and mi bro's losing badly at audition on psp... Hahas... kaes gtg edii. Post more tmr.... after i chase ernest the cake in church >:DD
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
, 9:28 PM
Todayy had 2.4 mock run! ;DDD Day started off wif LA. We had LA test and mark tan played a song and we were supposed to pick out literary devices etc. Quite easy lah. Next was PE and we ran 2.4. I came in 10th out of 2A and some year3 class. Actually can be single digit der lehh... T.T I forgot to chiong last round again... -.- Next was recess, then maths. Mr hia went thru bonus qn. Followed by BP, where we watch some music vid bout zhou jie lun's "ye ye pao de cha". The vid was super relevant to the music rite? -hint of sarcasm- Then was science, where mdm rozana finished up birth control, went thru 'assisted fertilisation' and showed up this ppt about abortion. The pics were super scary. All were pics of aborted babies with their arms and limb and heads ripped off. She said that some babies actually reacted to the forceps coming and their heartrates increased in fear. Sher cried during the ppt and i almost did too. Thx yenhan for lending her arm for mi to squeeze. >.< Then was lunch and i stayed in class to play audition on tse shuen's psp. Sammie helped mi buy food back to class. Then he had to go to FPS so i got nth to do. So i followed yulong to 1H to see melissa(mi bball junior). The 1H guys saw mi wif yulong and asked:"eh, she ur gf ahhs?" I was like:"gf my ass." After awhile i was bored so went back 1st. He came back just in time. Then had bizlab and today do nth much cept plan for the bazaar stall. After that was 3rd lang. Go there was supposed to study but in the end didnt. Todae i sit wif yongming in class and we talked alot. Then aoi sensei come over and keep telling us stop talking. After class, mi mom sent yongming home lors. In the car leaving the centre, we heard the same some that mark tan played for us dis morn. The "I am a rock" one for LA test. Damm qiao sehh. Traffic was bad and i got a serious headache in the car. After dropping yongming off, we went to pump petrol then go home lors. Mi mom bought mi a bar of toblerone! ;DDD Nth else lehh.... 2dae didnt onl9 in time to msn wif some ppl... U know hu u are lahh... x) Chengsin has no balls as per usual~Ehh, guild outing on march hols der wednesday... tell mi if ure going so i can decide time, place and schedule. x)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
, 7:56 PM
OMGGGGG They sold icecreammmm in school 2daeeeeeeeeeeee! :DD 2dae day 7 got replaced by day 10 cos of kaleidoscope event on fridae. Sianx. Nvms, at least end at 12.30. But finish earli also cant go home... got bball training at fengshan cc.. Todae wet weather so nvr go down for flag raising. Mr tan come in mark attendance then go out do duno wad, then come in for 1st period PC. it sux lor.... yenhan and mi were playing hangman and cube at the back cos got nth else to do. Nxt had 1 period of science. mdm rozana nvr come(bet sher was delighted) so got some mrs choo come dai ke. Then was recess.... nth happened lor. Followed by chinese where we did our 'xin wen bao gao'. Mine went todae and was quite okay lah. Mr tan didnt say anythn bad so i think should mean we did quite well bah. :DD next was history, ms ling come in and said alot of stuff then class super quiet 2dae.... She returned out source-based qn and i got 3/5. Not badd luhh. Yulong got full marks still say he hate history.. -.- After sch mi and jiaqi went to see mr tang for abit of track training. It was painful luh. Had to run as fast as possible wif dat weight thingy tied to ure waist. So mani ppl watching sehh.. He asked us to run the cross country and if im not wrong... rhonda also hav to lehh.... 3.5km at botanic gardens.... hmm, should i go? Then we boarded bus go fengshan cc for training lors. Coach didnt come till 4 sth? Or was it 3 sth? I duno. x) Nth much at training luh. Just that i have to improve mi right hand layups :X And run faster for left and right layups. :X Must persevere! :D The EZ trophy must be OURS! x) Hmm, after that go home lor.... while walking from busstop to house, got alot of ppl staring at mi, think i like paikia liddat. I was carrying bball under mi arm, slinging mi schbag on 1 shoulder, mi jersey was tucked out under mi warmup tee... liddat called paikia mehh..... lol... Hmm, go home eat dinner then on comp liaos lor..... Mom kaopei alot ask mi go prac piano... cos i failed mi trial exam. Not mi prob lor. Mi freaking teacher push mi go exam der. Not like i wna go. Nth else.... just reli tired. As usual.... chengsin is ball-less...should i run cross country? >.<
Monday, March 3, 2008
, 8:25 PM
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... comp lab for tmr gone.... replaced by day 10... at least sch end at 12.15 tmr.... Today 1st period hia. He return maths common test. Tse shuen sibei not happi cos i beat him. Walao 15/30. Damm nice. Never even study der ;D still pass is super tyco der. After dat is LA. That mark tan freaking gheyy. Seriously. He made us do our presentations. Mi group went 2dae and it was quite okay lar. Alot of impromptu about WWI stuff. Thank god i can rmb wad i read so can bullshit. That was wad i was supposed to do anws. x) Then was recess and nth much happen lah. Just dat i told elaine her presence in our class not needed. She should just stick to her own class. No wonder they dont like her lor. Assembly after recess and its the last assembly for term 1! ;DDDDDDDDD YAYYY! We found out that 2A, the freaking un-enthu class, won the Xplore sec2 orientation! Woots~ love the prize-the green facilitator orientation tee. Mi and sher wore that to the zoo 2dae. Next was geog. I wasnt reli paying attention... too busy reading the zoo notes for the test. Following that was LA again... Then mark tan saw yulong doing some action regarding the poen title "fortility" which yulong saw as "fertility" and said:"what the hell/heck does that action have to do with fertility?" His tone sibei gheyy sehh. After that go zoo.... maggie gif briefing then we go for that wild trail round the zoo. Our group only rawks at paper aeroplanes and project superjet... we get hopelessly lost wandering around the zoo wif a stupid map that got soaked thx to some ppl... ahem... It rainned halfway luh... and since yenhan and annabelle didnt hav umbrellas wif them, we had to go look for them to shelter them... After going bac to audi, maggie bring us to australian outback to learn the stuff there.... and on the way back, mi, ym and ts tried imitating mark tan's ghey quote. I can do damm nice leh ;D Go bac audi take super easy test then go home. Annabelle's dad send yenhan and mi to tampines mrt station then go home lors. Awwwwww mannnnnnnn. Tmr got bball training. Nvms. Must persevere, if we wna win top 4 in East Zone dis yearr!!! ;DDDDDDDDDDDD yeahhh! C girls jiayous! We can make it der!~ As usual, chengsin no balls~
Yours Truly.
The girl's name is Nicole, or simply Nic for short. She enjoys writing fanfiction and playing basketball, and was born on 06/08/1994.
She currently terrorises the school known as VICTORIA JC, of which she belongs to the VIP, after having wrecked enough havoc in her first six schooling years in Taonan and her subsequent two years in Dunman High.
Her known haunts include the IGLOO, where, being a CT Councillor, she gets to use the foosball table for free. Challenge her ANYTIME you see her there, she'll play with you for sure. :D
She can be really cheerful and hyper and go around poking you nonstop, or she can also be an emo kid, stoning in a corner and channelling her sorrows out in her angsty writings.
Her mood fluctuates wildly, so it is advised not to irk her at all costs.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the above profile.
Want a cookie? ^^
1) ARNOLD: you owe me Valentines' Day (for next year) and Birthday presents! :D
Keep Wishing.
I ain't materialistic. I'm simply idealistic.
`Be able to spend more time with you.
`Happiness. Both yours and mine.
`Prove to myself that everything I stand by and believe in isn't freaking unrealistic and impossible.
`To find my true calling and purpose in life.
`To smile and really, really, smile.
Occupy the Silence.
Feed Me.