Saturday, May 31, 2008
, 3:19 PM
Hehs, main content of todae's post is the screenies took in FM yesturdae. (: [hence the hyper mushroom story]  Here we have me(the mush) and Jun(the pig) harrassing pm2. (:  Bullying continues...  Continues...  And continues...  Now both of us are mushrooms and it's like a replay of that day in amoria with bakamono kor (:  Afking mushrooms and afking pm2...  Some random dude chasing me(the mush) and Jun(the pig again).  Gang bang! o.o  Jun! Save me from the random dude! T.T  Harrassment... Havent tio sue yet (: --- After i off, played sudoku with Jun on msn awhile and won again (: But nice try dude, you're improving alot edi. >.< Then at night went to visit Joanna at NUH with yanjun, yenhan, eli and jingren. We took a long time getting there, and an even longer time getting back home. At the hospital, we got lost trying to find the ward and ended up in the emergency place... -.- When we found Joanna, she looked reli weak, but the operation was successful. Envy her so much, she still can grow taller. :X I had to read out the card to her with all our well wishes cos they say I the most 'hyper' der. I tot edi most high? :X Coming back, everyone except eli nid go buona vista, but we got lost and didnt cross the overhead bridge until the 198 passed by... so we had to take 197 ALL THE WAY TO THE EAST. Jingren got off at clarke quay there, while mi and yenhan take to payar labar (SP?) cos she missed the kallang stop. Have to admit though, it's my first time taking marathon bus ride, and it was a fun experience! :D This morning woke up later than usual and still very tired, maybe cos ytd der events drain alot of energy. Then in bball training, right hand layups majority all miss der; my angle cannot find and my legs like cannot run edi. At least left hand my aiming still not so bad; 90% can in der. (: Going home, florence's dad gave mi a lift to aljunied, save me sooo much time! Yeah, i love you water(from the shower)!^^ --- Sighs, so many probs and issues havent settle yet, alot of homework also havent do yet. I reli have to stop procrastinating and FOCUS! :X ~Lesson of the day: Apparently, people who slack in fm cc14 prefer mushroom soup to pork chops....
Friday, May 30, 2008
, 2:28 PM
Ahems, ignore the previous post. (: Thankyou rhonda for tagging me. -.- Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 friends. This is actually alot funnier if you randomly list the names first. No cheating! [: 1. Jun [: 2. Tazzie [: 3. Joanna [: 4. Puremagic2/Jeremy [: 5. Nicholas [: 1) How did you meet 1? (Jun) Uhhs, through Kiran on maple? :X 2) On the scale of 1-10, how would you rate your friendship with 1? (Jun) Umms, 6 or 7? -remembers sudoku- 3) How long have you known 4? (Jeremy) Not that long bahs... but long enough to torture him with mushrooms! (: 4) How do you know number 3? (Joanna) School lors. 5) Where's 5? (Nicholas) Missing in action. 6) A fact about number 1? (Jun) I taught him sudoku via msn. :DD 7) Who is number 4 going out with? (Jeremy) Don't know, don't care. 8) What does number 1 do for a living? (Jun) Study... and maple... 9) Would you live with number 3? (Joanna) Yes! She's such a devoted christian! ^^ 10) WHat do you like about number 2? (Tazzie) She rawks at counselling! Plus she's a christian! <33 taz~ 11) Do you miss number 5? (Nicholas) Duh. He's been missing for so long. 12) Would you make out with number 4? (Jeremy) ZOMG NO WAY MAN! -vomits at the thought- 13) What's your opinion of number 2? (Tazzie) One of the best counsellors ever! <33 14) Ever had a long conversation with 5? (Nicholas) No, but seriously in need of one. 15) Who have you known the longest? Not sure, I think Joanna, but then again... :X Tag 5 people to do this: 1. Ricky [: 2. Andrew [: 3. Arnold [: 4. Esther [: 5: HaiHua [: -- Yayy, <33 hyper mushrooms! :DD
, 2:11 PM
I didn't sleep last nite. Maybe i did, i reli duno. Too many problems, i seriously cant handle. I dont know wad to do anymore. Really. A part of me wants to wait. Yet another want to move on as fast as possible. The issues are never going to be addressed if you keep closing up like that. I dont even know whats going on anymore. I dont even know you anymore.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
, 11:19 PM
Ah, forgot to post lesson of the day. What I learnt todae: After you teach Jun how to play sudoku, it's fun to play with him. :D
, 3:52 PM
Today's post shall be short and simple; precise and concise, my specialty. -- It's my dad's death anniversary. I didn't go training today. I didn't do much work, even though I've got not much time left during this holiday; my schedule is packed. I trained in maple (3% only, but i trained); that's not good, because it means that I'm really distracted and not talking at all/un-hyper. That's not a good thing. I got abit pissed at bakamono kor for catching up to mi in level. Sorry kor. Didn't mean to make you worry and crap. -- My day reli sucks; especially when I still have so many pressing issues to handle in my life.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
, 3:50 PM
(YES, I RELINKED. -.-)2nd post for today. Main purpose for this one is to upload some ss that i took todae and ytd. :DD --  Hehs, ytd in fm playing with the monster transformation crystal thingy. Alien is puremagic2, pig is ruby and mushroom is mi! :D --  LOL, todae's pics were taken at Amoria, cc1. Mi and bakamono, KeenLoo, were the mushrooms. We found a big grass thingy of a nice mushroom! :D The poor victim being attacked is PM2 :DD  Aiya, unsynchronised....  Stupid mouse got in the way...  Finally...  Think he has a phobia of mushrooms by now? >:DDD -- PS: I got shortlisted for the VJC IP Interview!!!^^ Thanks PureMagic2 for mega-ing. :D
, 11:03 AM
The hols are here at last, but with soooo much homework, it soo doesnt feel like the hols anymore... :X Staying at home the entire is kinda boring after awhile... So i surfed and found this new layout!^^ I think its reli nice :D -- Hehs, im being reli crappy today. As usual when im bored. -- Mi fanfic has like, an awesome review count. I don't think im that good though. Not as good as some other ppl on the site, yet i get so many reviews. Oh well. An answered prayer, even though i didnt ask for it. Thank God. :D ~Lesson of the day: When it's school term, you wish it were holidays. When it's holidays you kinda wish it's school term cos it gets pretty boring to be alone in the house the entire day.
Monday, May 26, 2008
, 8:37 PM
I love the hillsong concert on saturdae night. It was hell fun! ^^ But the youth pastor doesnt address the demerits stuff, only what ppl wanna hear. Plus he's kinda lame. No offence. :X I met tazzie there! She was sitting at the next block, about a row in front of me. Took a pic with her, but we look reli stupidd, so yeah, wont post it. -- Had NJC AAT todae. Think i screwed the maths test bigtime. Oh well. =/ The english one was okay though. Just hope they accept me for interview round. My right eye is abit swollen. My mom says its an infection. Oh god, no. I don't wana go training tmr with pus leaking like siao. -- O lvl chinese paper ended today. (: For some reason, I'm reli happy. -- ~Lesson of the day:Patience is a virtue that I do not possess, but it is a virtue that really pays off to have.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
, 4:26 PM
This is on the year2 noticeboard... Hmmm, where am I? (:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
, 8:29 PM
Whooo, jap ca3 got 41/65! Damm happy cos i didnt study hard for this (: Todae LA got biollo come teach us. Sian lahs, term 3 got new teacher again... Mark tan todae come bac sch return us formal letter. I got 18/20! Typical complain letter always score high-high der. (: -- PE had to play captains ball again... so sian... they always stick to same old grouping based on friends and when wan them to sort otherwise, always tuo like shyt der. So i went to play bball with shuenn (: Todae reli cannot shoot leh.. but ytd jiaolian teach der thing works leh! :DD -- Highlight of todae: yulong left his shirt in toilet and went for PE... after PE shuen come bac class say got shirt in toilet bowl and he flushed... yulong check, then chiong to toilet. Then his shirt was sunning outside classroom entire day i think... >:D -- During maths, hia come and sit next to mi cos sammie go health check... >.> -- After school went to lang centre at 2.15 and sit there until 4.30 waiting for 3rd lang to start. >.> Todae 3rd lang quite fun; did some directions practical thingy. Sensei even gave me my own house! :D -- ~Lesson of the day: Crap, i forgot what i learnt todae...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
, 8:08 PM
Im just super hyper todae? o.o went to sch with new haircut... some ppl couldnt recognise me sehh. Those that did, got only two responses: 1) OMG SO CUTE! 2) OMG SO UGLY. I agree with the 2nd one. Sheesh. -- Health screening todae, chenlaoshi not in school, and our health booklets all with him in staffroom, so i had to go fetch them... Walao the nurses damm pervert sia, pull down -ahem- der. :X Last yr dunid der lors. And only some nurses do that lehh.... My modesty was sorta outraged todae. lol. o.o -- After sch had training at bedok cc. Todae training actually quite slack; never play against the sec1 guys. thank god. (: But long time never do 15mins, lose touch ler lehs. >.> -- Kaes, end here for todae; im thinking up chapter 6 (: ~Quote of the day from-jiaolian: "Please do." "Wows, didnt know he had manners." -Rene
Monday, May 19, 2008
, 6:50 PM
Woke up at 10am todae cos i slept at 2.. I reli have to start sleeping earli again.. Got a haircut ytd and it looks like shyt! >.> Todae went to watch iron man at century square with my mom and bro. Bought vk 6 and a present for someone. (: Then went home, did LA journals. Sian, mark deduction edi cos it's late. >.> -- Bored. Seriously. -- I'm getting pretty good reviews for Memories of the Forgotten. Goodbye procrastination. They'll kill me if I don't update regularly now. -- Oh well. ~Lesson of the day: If you can't mail it, EMAIL it. (:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
, 7:34 PM
omgomgomgomg. I got shortlisted for njc aat (: I got the letter on the same day that i went for vjc aat. There were alot of dunman high ppl there. I don't think i can get in. oh well. I met alot of ex taonan ppl. It was cool. Hope we all get bac into the same school again. --- Zonglong's gonna go wolfteam with nic. o.o Hope nic wins. (: yes, im biased. Lalala. I'm super crap todae. Chapter 5 for memories got uploaded todae, and chapter6 is partially completed. My super emotional oneshot is done too, but i wont upload till fathers dae. I've got no mood to write more. Damm that writers block. Oh wells. --- ~Lesson of the day: Umm, i really dont know what i learnt todae. :X
Saturday, May 17, 2008
, 12:37 PM
Woots! Im back from camp! It was hell lotta fun yeah? (: Im very lazy to post everything that happened. I made alot of new frenx and enjoyed myself. :D -- I have VJC entrance exam later. And im sleepy, didnt sleep enuf last nite after getting home from worship session. Ahh wells.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
, 10:03 PM
, 4:10 PM
Life sucks. I hate my grades. I worked hard for once; harder than last year. My fanfic; i got like, 10 reviews in 4 chapters. Pretty good for my standards. Then suddenly, LA got a C. I hate myself. I feel like a failure. -- I cried todae in school at PTM. With marks like these, all hope is practically gone for applying out of dunman. I dont like the academic atmosphere here. Too much emphasis on work. -- The one who I need the most aint here when i need him. In fact, he usually never is. -- Life sucks.
Friday, May 9, 2008
, 4:24 PM
I spent practically the entire school day CRYING. :X First hour was PC. Ppl say its very emo stuff, I didnt reli care. Then i found out that we had to write some letter to our parents. I can hear people say: we everyday see father, what for write to him? I heard edi, kinda teared cos they're like taking him for granted. The last thing i said to my dad was 'okay'. I didnt get to do anything else. Then while writing letter to my mom, i wrote something bout my bro and my dad, then i started tearing again. Eventually cry luhh. I wont go into details, unless you're reli that concerned and ask mi to call to tell you/you call mi and ask/you ask mi in sch without going 'what happened? what happened?' like some pathetic gossiper. Yeah, Ricky, applies to you too (: If you reli wanna know why i was liddat todae. Trust me, im scarier when im fierce, not when i cry/emo. -- Thankyou Sher, for crying with me. (: Thankyou Ms Loh, for praying for us. (: Thankyou linlaoshi for talking to me. (: Thankyou Mr tan for talking to me too and agreeing to go check on extra credit assignments. And also for realising that im good at writing narratives. (: Thankyou Drinkstall uncles for letting me slack at your stall when i didnt wana go bac to class. (: Thankyou Ms Theng(not sure of spelling, but she's the level head) for talking to me awhile and calling the counsellor for me. (: Thankyou Miss Chia for going back to counselling room just to talk to me. (: Thankyou everyone else that was sincerely concerned about me. (: -- I feel loads better now. Sher, im going to break your record of 8 teachers in 3 months. I think ive sorta broken it already. ~Lesson of the day: Seeing 5 teachers in a day can really make you happy because you get to slack the entire day off in school. :D
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
, 8:01 PM
Gona make it short todae. So i can carry on typing out chapter 4 and Jun wont bug mi ler. (: Todae i found out that history i got B. Lucky not C, or mi mom kill mi der. LA tmr know result, hope can get B or A :X We thought had to stay bac for IDMI briefing, but actually can go home der lor. Sian, got 3rd lang, had to stay in schh until 4.30 -.- 3rd lang todae was kinda okay. had that show and tell thingy. Im doing mine next week. Today, i ran into louis 3 times. -.- First time after PE, going bac to class, 1J having medical checkup, the 1J guys seated at the study area there, directly downstairs from mi class. Louis saw mi, first thing say:"We owned you again yesturday." Me:"Why you always come mark mi der?" He:"Cos i feel like it." Then i walked up the stairs to the second floor. I looked down, then he yelled somethin about maple at me. Second time was during lunch, i headed bac to class, he headed to canteen. Tried to trip me, but didnt manage to. I whacked his head lightly with the envelope i was carrying. Third time after school walking with sabrina to lang centre. Suddenly got someone sorta jump at mi from behind. I turn, there was louis smiling at me. Then he crossed the road and yelled across,"Nicole so short!" -.- ~lesson of the day: You always happen to run into the people you dunwana meet.
Monday, May 5, 2008
, 8:30 PM
I woke up at like, 12am because i had inspiration to write a good chapter for 'Memories of the Forgotten'! But i still havent finished it yet, and i kinda feel that randomness from boredom will be kinda pissed if i dun update him soon.. Todae throughout school i played PSP or wrote the chapter. Maths test returned todae. I got 14/30! T.T Sian, lingmin got 25/30 still complain that she could have gotten more marks... After school chionged jap revision for CA3 and i think can do quite okay bahs. Should be able to pass this time... I hope.... Had to help ym take withdrawal form from office, and everyone thought i was quitting jap! Yanperng todae first thing see mi look at mi with that weird weird look and he kept smiling. >.> I helped magnus for reading comprehension. He sat in front of mi and flashed his paper up at random intervals. For MCQ questions i kicked his chair to tell him the answers. 1 means A, 2 means B and so on. :X Hmm, kaes, i wana continue writing lers. Todae post super boring and super short. ~Lesson of the day:Inspiration comes best at midnight for maple fics (:
Saturday, May 3, 2008
, 3:37 PM
Omg, 5 hours of training todae? -faints- Last hour plus was a drill/match thingy, wasnt that bad. Training started at 8, had to go outside under the freaking hot sun and do. It was freaking hot, no energy, and still had to do 15mins for left and right hands. I almost cried during the left hand one cos i was damm tired after chionging so hard, my left hand was numb, and jiaolian still tell me go faster. After that it was preetty okay ler. Did box-out and defense tutorials. Defense der i pair with jingmei and we did quite well. Take turns to walk like crabs and wave arms like complete idiots. :X Then jiaolian told us to keep fair distance from partner but also must feel her. Walao, when he say that time like damm perverted sehh. Box out der i did with jingmei too. take turns pushing each other backwards using butt. >.> When i was gonna start, i saw louis jump and grab the pullup bar in front of me. His shirt went up. Pants so low. Underwear blue in colour der. I was laughing like shyt before he noticed. >:D After that did PT, then jiaolian teach us the full court press thing. We play against the sec1 guys for like 1 hour(the match thingy luhh). Whenever i go on court, i play left forward, and louis also happen to play same side. He block mi like hell kaes? -.- Halfway through match, he said: "you people lucky this not C boys match, or we own you like hell le." I respond:" you people lucky this not C girls match, or we make you wear wigs with long hair, wear skirts and apply tons of makeup onto your face. We'll laugh because so funny and let you win on purpose." He shutup. Awhile later, when i was going to block him, he move forward and his head bang my head. -.- A few mins later... "Ehh, sorry. My head very hard right?" "No leh. I bang harder heads before. Yours quite soft." He give me that 'you siao isit' look. Then jiaolian swap me out, i go buy drink. Met fraser at water cooler. "Eh Nicole. You play too rough ler lah." "Jiaolian ask us play liddat der." "But C div you playing girls leh, not guys." "Your juniors are girls ahs?" "No." "Then?" Later after i went back into court, i block Louis's shot a few times... "You lucky this not maple, or my speed own you like shyt." "You lucky you not in maple now, or i get all my friends ks you and raid your map." "Walao, bully me." "You asked for it." After match thingy, jiaolian let the guys leave first but give us debrief. First thing he said:"Good work Nicole. Keep it up." Last thing he said, also the same thing. Lmao. During the debrief, jiaolian say we not aggressive enough. Contradicting fraser much? Linlaoshi talked to my mom while i was having debrief. She told my mom that i play very well, and dunwan me to transfer school next year. I havent made up my mind yet lah, but if i get in, it just gives mi options. o.o Then went tiongbahru plaza for lunch with mom and bro. Ate KFC :D While in the car going home, i noticed got new message from louis. "He he he." LOL? o.o Man, had fun todae. Haven't played a match like this for damm long. (: ~Lesson of the day:Very fun to bully louis, because he plays maple too and he's shorter than me! (:
Friday, May 2, 2008
, 8:01 PM
Im boredddddddddd. Louis just called me to ask me to maple. o.o He never sms-es if he wans to ask anything, just calls. o.o Todae school passed very fast lehh. Science did ecology lab report and my group finished it at the last minute. BP had this translation thing, and it was kinda boring. Didn't do much for recess, stayed in class and messed up 1D's RS survey. That group really never do research one. They were doing a survey on websites, and question 6 was about gaming websites. They labelled maple,audi and get amped as such. The next part:How did you get to know about the website? Option f) Teachers recommended it. Fraser wrote guailanz under the question. I wrote a nice flow chart (: Teachers recommend MMORPGs? I don't think so. ->Maple, audi and getamped not gaming websites; the games itself->people only visit the website for client patches and info, don't play games there->Next time, do your research before giving this survey to a class with a lot of people having some experience in maplestory. Thankyou. After recess had chinese. 3 periods all dedicated to writing gong han. So slack sehh. After school stayed in class to write abit of fanfic while waiting for lm to help mi buy file. Then while on the way to post sth at postoffice, ran into jiaqi, then went home with her and dunjie. Dunjie very funny sehh. (: Went home, found 3 more reviews for mi fanfics. :D Bakamono and ricky both say mi english is godlike. :X Posted up chapter 3 for Memories of the Forgotten. (: ~Lesson of the day: You get a free entertainment show whenever you go home with Dunjie :D
Yours Truly.
The girl's name is Nicole, or simply Nic for short. She enjoys writing fanfiction and playing basketball, and was born on 06/08/1994.
She currently terrorises the school known as VICTORIA JC, of which she belongs to the VIP, after having wrecked enough havoc in her first six schooling years in Taonan and her subsequent two years in Dunman High.
Her known haunts include the IGLOO, where, being a CT Councillor, she gets to use the foosball table for free. Challenge her ANYTIME you see her there, she'll play with you for sure. :D
She can be really cheerful and hyper and go around poking you nonstop, or she can also be an emo kid, stoning in a corner and channelling her sorrows out in her angsty writings.
Her mood fluctuates wildly, so it is advised not to irk her at all costs.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the above profile.
Want a cookie? ^^
1) ARNOLD: you owe me Valentines' Day (for next year) and Birthday presents! :D
Keep Wishing.
I ain't materialistic. I'm simply idealistic.
`Be able to spend more time with you.
`Happiness. Both yours and mine.
`Prove to myself that everything I stand by and believe in isn't freaking unrealistic and impossible.
`To find my true calling and purpose in life.
`To smile and really, really, smile.
Occupy the Silence.
Feed Me.