Thursday, July 31, 2008
, 9:29 PM
Zomg maths commontest I can do sehh! :DD Think can pass, but wont score highhigh. :X Today LA played this game thingy, and winner got a box of chocolates. Rawr, I can't believe how dependent I am on spell checker. Rawr, that's it, I'm turning it off from now on. Fraser and Edric' s groups had to split the chocolate between themselves, and terrence gave me one of his. :P It was abitabit melted though. D: Oh well. LA got role play project! Yayyy, so fun! :DD me and shersher gona do with the guys, and at first they all dont want us, so bobian, join edric's group. Then fraser said he want us join his, so okay lo. Then just now, yulong msn me and ask if we can pangsehh fraser's group and join theirs... wahh, suddenly we hotstock ahh... :X Tomorrow got history test, go school in the morning will mug. (: Thenthenthen, after school nida take mrt home with fraser and jaiqi and make sure they don't do anything funny. :X Guys won presbytarian high 51-50 today. Nice one guys! Too bad I didnt watch. Heh, but for good reason. Wahahahaha, I just brought a lil kid to cityhall for the first time today. =/ Hehs, no luhh, just met ricky at cityhall after school today. He was supposed to gimme tuition for simultaneous equations, but end up become a counselling session luhh. Put two counsellors with relationship issues together, and poof, this is what you get. Haha, his phone got very interesting smses lehh. (: Purple shirt is soo obvious. But then again, alot of people wearing purple today. :X At first we found a bench and actually covered some basics, then after awhile abitabit sian, then keep stuff and start talking. After that we go eat at yakun kaya toast there. Rawr, he kept calling me mummy lors. ==" Thenthenthen went back to the bench there and talk somemore. Hahas. That's about it lor. :D Ehh ricky, don't emo tomorrow ah, if you're really gona finally do it. :X no regrets whatsoever okay, I don't wana counsel a super emo dude and make myself emo too. :X Oh yeahyeahyeahyeah! My birthday partyyyy! :DD The venue changed, we're not going wildwildwet anymore. :D Yepyepyep, kayy, 4pm @ Costasands Resort Pasir Ris, or can go at 6plus to BBQ pit 9. :DD Same place as lindyy's party der! Basketball teammies get to sleepover, seeing that it's my last year in DHS basketball. Yepps, confirmed, I'm leaving DHS. D: butbutbut, I'll come back and visit alotalotalot! :DD Sure lah, you peeps can win without me. I mean, you guys don't nida rely on lefthand layups and fastbreaks to win right... :X As long as Ana can hear jiaolian can ler. ^^ Oh yeah, if anyone wana come my party, lemme know via tagboard, msn, sms, whatever. (:
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
, 7:46 PM
Ahahaha, 2nd post for today. (: Rest of the sch day was utter boredom. There was a maths test, and I forgot to bring calculator, so chiong to borrow one from jiaqi. But then, the test also dunid calculator. :X Rawr, simultaneous equations are hard. T.T I'm so gona screw the test. After school met mrs teng for science makeup cos I missed science lessons for matches and yeah. =/ rawr, waves are hard lor. Today's makeup lesson become somewhat of a discussion about whether I wana leave DHS anot. =/ Hais, alot of people already treating me as if I confirmed leaving, so it makes no difference, seriously. :X Gona meet ricky on thursday to get help with maths. Finally got someone to help me with simultaneous equations! :DD Mhmm, so that's both weak subjects covered. Now left chinese... -faints- -revives myself and continues crapping- Then mom picked me up from school and went to optemetrist. Oh man, my degree went up again. D: Both eyes up by 50, and astigmatism up by 25. Surprisingly, both the same sia. =/ Yay, got new glasses, so will wear them to school next week instead of contacts for the basketball-off days. (: About a week to my birthday! Can't wait! :DD
, 8:53 AM
Yay, today rawks. :D First 3 periods computer lesson, and the teacher not feeling well, so she let us do whatever we want for the first hour. So yay, I get to blog. (: Hahas. Don't think I'll be able to post again tonight though. Nida study. =/ It's not gona be much, seeing that the day has hardly passed. Mhmm, rawr, ricky, how come your school start at 8.50am der... T.T Not fair. Whoa, the guys are unusually quiet today.. =/ interesting. I'm msning with fraser again, who's seated two rows behind me. Lameness ftw. Hahas, I'm crapping again, I know. (: But that's just me. Whee! My birthday's coming! :D -hopping around like a hyperactive bunny- People, remember that I want presents! :D Andandand, those that are coming to my party, please don't cancel at the last minute or taste my wrath. Rawr. D: Fraser just invited himself to my party, so guys, don't keep spreading it. :X Today have basketball training, but I can't go, cos Mrs Teng asked me to go for SSS. =/ Rawr, not like I 'qualified' for it or something cos I didn't fail my midyears. It's just stupidd. Because I missed lessons cos I had to compete in the basketball eastzone tournament and no one wants to help me go through what I missed, I get invited to be supervised while self-studying. ==" Now that is retarded. On thursday the guys team is playing presbytaerian high. Not sure where, but the girls team is going to watch! So guys, you better win. (: Dunjie, if you play well, I'll buy you marshmallows. :D Must win this match, or you'll have to win RI. =/ hahas, chengsin, you better go support your school then I can meet you there. (: Whoa, I crapped longer than I expected, so to save your eyes, Ima end here. (:
Monday, July 28, 2008
, 3:56 PM
Mhmm, I'm using yvonne's tablet pc to post this while waiting at the language centre. :P Heh, tablet is fun, but it gets annoying after awhile... Yesterday went to lindy's birthday party, and it was just plain awkward luhh. Met ziting and melinda again after two years of not seeing each other, and didn't know anyone else cept for the church people. =/ I brought a baskbetball, thinking got court, but apparently don't have. So just played monkey and random alley and passing on the footpath. Heh, lameness ftw. Ah, I saw the very zilian guy from st hilda's. =/ lol. At the barbeque there, I was like hugging the basketball and walking around, then suddenly can hear some guy saying to his friend that he wana play basketball, say a lot of times somemore. ==" Sheesh, want to play can just ask rite. =/ Then I looked at him, and lol, recognise the face from the blog. ==" That's what happens when you take close-up pics of yourself and put them up on your blog, people can recognise der. Lesson learnt. (: Mhmm, after all that then I gave Josh a lift home, then went home and talked to Ricky on the phone. :D haha, last nite super high lor. (: Didn't emo. Today got new class tee, and the design behind is damm nice! :D Heh, it's red too, meaning we can wear for cross country day on the 8th of aug! Rawr, I don't care, I wana win a prize! :D Haha, that's why I love long-d, alot of people got no stamina to run and even if their short-d very fast, they lose to me in the long run. Hmm, if jiaqi paces me it'll be fun though. (:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
, 9:37 PM
Hmm, today was a pretty boring day I guess. No basketball training for girls until the guys nationals end. Jiayous guys! (: Spent the entire day at home doing homework and playing computer/writing fanfic. My bro went sailing and he used my boat. He used it after the maststep got fixed. D: Unfair, that's why my sailing performance got screwed this year. D: Uncle George gave me this optimist keychain. It looks soo cool! :D its the optimist logo, and he used the remainder of the luckydraw money that he used to buy the maststep, to buy it for me. :D After all that we went to Simpang Bedok for dinner. Nigel, mi and mi bro played cards while charmian and charlene watched some tv drama. ==" Then the parents started telling us stuff about what they used to play in the past, what games and stuff. Very enlightening actually. :D We're gona be playing them when there's no wind and stuff. It'll be cool.
Friday, July 25, 2008
, 4:35 PM
Okayokayokay, the details for mi bday party are: 10th Aug, Sunday @ DowntownEast, Wildwildwet. :D Starts about 2pm until after dinnertime. People going are the year2 bball girls and some of mi maple frens. (: No swimming costumes please, just a dark coloured tee and shorts will do, or you're gona hear a lot of screaming and laughing. :X If I havent invited you and you wana come, leave mi a note, somehow. (: -- Today is friday, the shortest day of the week, literally, seeing as if that school ends at 12.15. Science first hour, we got scolded for coming in late to science lab. Did this light practical that seems almost the same as the first one. Then was maths another hour and the mr tantuigee brought the china teachers to our class to have a look and take pictures. What are we, a zoo? Recess bought udon back to class, and had to buy one for fraser too. ==" Dude, you owe mi $2.50. -makes mental note- After that was chinese, 3 periods, and it would be free periods if not for the chinese test. Rawr, the chinese test was hardd. =/ So many 6marks questions. I'm gona die I think. When I left school and reached ulu pandan cc, fraser called mi to wait for him. ==" Then ended up waiting even longer for jiaqi to come. Rawr, he can just wait for her luhh, then they can go home together since I not even taking MRT. Walked to piano lesson there, and mrs chan drove mi to the mrt station after lesson cos she end my lesson early today. :D I learnt a new phrase from dunjie today: 'irking the marshmallow'. It can be used in contexts such as: "He's irking the marshmallow outta me." Haha. Kinda funny actually. (: Hmm, should I change blogskin again?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
, 7:02 PM
I don't even wana talk about it. Yep, another case of biased-ness. True, AHS does have good players. But then again, Dunman Sec shouldnt have lost so badly, even if they had lost. Today in sch, I cried. :X Yeah, Ms Tang caught mi smsing (ahem, ricky, your fault ==" jkjk) then started talking stuff and mentioned bout mi mom, then I started crying. Not my prob that I don't wana trouble mi mom, seeing that she's already so stressed about my brother being emotionally unstable. The counsellor even told her to bring him to a psychiatrist, mind you. ==" She also didnt get the promotion she was waiting for, so I guess she's kinda stressed. I cried for an entire recess and half of the first chinese period. Seriously, I hate insensitive people who come to mi and ask what happen without really meaning it. Not you, fraser, but some other people whom I shall not mention for the sake of keeping this blog free of tagboard flames. After school supposed to have training, but it was somehow changed to watching the guys final cos jiaolian wanted to go and cant paoqi us in school. So we went, the biasedness came and gone with a lot of shouting by some Dunman Sec people, and poof, the prize giving. Rawr! Now I want a trophy. =/ Hais. Jiayous teammies! Ya'll have B div! But sadly, I don't. T.T Mhmm, it's sorta finalised that I'm leaving DHS, but to VJC or NJC, that I havent decided.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
, 8:58 PM
Lol? NJC acceptance letter? ==" Sheeesh, now I nida give them a response by 7th Aug too, I'm sure they had a word with VJC about closing date, no wonder it's extended. Today was abitabit boring in school. D: School is getting boring nowadays, hmm? After school took Jap CA, and it was actually quite easy. :D After the paper went back to school to see Ms Teo about Regrets. I submitted it to her to read first. She said it was beautiful, and my writing style is wonderful, but it's not poignant enough to be submitted. Oh well, time to make improvements! ^^ KC didi, faster, write your own piece for Absol's fanfic challenge lehh, I wana read. :P
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
, 6:37 PM
Rawr, I'm sick. D: Today I made the announcement for the bball guys cos laoshi made me. I said sixty, when I was supposed to say eighty. :X She said I read well though, and says the next announcement I might have to do also. ==" LA today was really fun. Ms Teo teaches very well, and I like how she opens the floor to discussion. Good way of learning. (: Recess I didnt eat much, and let Eli read Regrets in class. She teared. Rawr, sorry Eli! Didn't mean to make you cry. ): After recess was ACC, and inspiration for Absol's fanfic challenge came to me! Woots, I've got the idea planned out already, just need to find time and energy to write. Then was like free period, cos teacher never come. I got headache and felt very cold, then YanJun bring mi to general office. She stayed with me for awhile, then went back to class. I waiting till my mom came and she brought me home. The staff took my temperature in the GO. 38.1 degrees. Sweet. When I took it half an hour earlier in class, it was only 37.6. In the sick bay, I started crying. I was reminded of my dad. He was always the one that picked me up from school when I was sick. Now, I have to trouble my mom. I feel damm bad. T.T Reached home, fell asleep and slept from 1sth2 - 5pm. That felt great. :D Now ima go write out the fic after editing Regrets. I'm thinking of submitting it for some writing contest. :X
Monday, July 21, 2008
, 8:23 PM
Wheee, I didnt take Jap CA todae, cos I went to watch guys match. Instead, I'll be taking tomorrow. One extra day to study. Wahahahaha. (: Today celebrated Racial Harmony Day in school. First half of the day had lessons, the second was concerts. First periods Geog, and me and HaiHua proved Ms Tang wrong twice in the same hour. The first time was about Singapore sewage canals and she said they wouldn't leak. I contradicted her by saying that a sewage pipe burst at Eash Coast Beach recently and the water is contaminated. Second time was HaiHua pointing out to her that the geog ppt was already up on moodle when she said she would upload sometimes later this week. Hahas, that was funny. (: Then recess followed by Chinese, then go gym for celebrations. 2A finally reached the first lor. Lol. We did some weird dancing thingy, then went hall for concert. The concert abitabit boring, and not very well done. D: After school went to Anglican High to watch guys match and found out it started an hour late. ==" Hais. Reached there and Ngee Ann was still playing Anglican (the girls). I have to say something seriously important. I know AHS is homeground, but still it's common courtesy and understanding that, if a player fouls out, you don't cheer, boo, or jeer. Plus, it's rude to do that when one is shooting free throw. This is bad sportsmanship, and shouldn't be done, since most of the supporters there aren't basketballers and don't know the ettiqute. Another thing is, I'm disappointed with the referees for both the girls and guys matches (DHS vs AHS today). AHS players stepped on the white baseline so many times, travelled, fan qiu, fouled a player, all right in front of you, and you claim you can't see? If that's so, please, I beg you, have your eyes checked. There was no way, absolutely no way, that NAS could've lost to AHS. Honestly, think about it. From the stands you can see, AHS ball control is poor compared to NAS (from the time I started watching) and number 4, from AHS, fouled out, yet she still played later on, and even was the one who scored the last two points in the game. Unbelievable. I'm not slandering AHS nor anyone from that school, I'm just stating facts. What's worse. Some AHS students actually know the referees are biased, and have the cheek to laugh and smile about it. When I tell you that it's rude to jeer and cheer when someone gets fouled out, you call me not to kaopei. Disappointing. Enough of all this talk. I'm sick of it. During the guys match, I met Andrew outside the court. Mhmm, it was abit unexpected, but it was nice meeting you. (: I also met Rongwei earlier cos SeeHian showed him to me. At first, I didnt believe he was actually that short. :X Lol, but hey, it's cute. :D Haha. Laoshi told me to write a script to thank the supporters for coming today. I'm making the announcement tomorrow. But for anyone that went and happen to read my blog today, I'm thanking in advance so you wont pay attention to me at the podium tomorrow. Gosh, I'll look damm stupid making an announcement on the guys behalf. Oh well, I guess we all have to support the guys though, they really did well and exceeded their last year performance. :D Time to go think of an idea for Absol Master's fanfic challenge.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
, 8:50 PM
Crapcrapcrap. I cant move my freaking optimist anymore. ==" That is stupidd. Today was the Sakae-Noss championship, and looks like i can kiss my dream of winning something goodbye. From top20th, I dropped to bottom 20th, all because the wind shifted and died, then when everyone started moving, I was stuck. Sheesh, I'm not that heavy, but somehow, my boat cant cope with my weight no more. After the race, I was super pissed, especially since I lost to almost all the NOSS people and EVERYONE started suanning mi after the race. So like, i was steaming, then the storm hit. I was expecting it, seeing that I can't see Batam from where I was and there was a thick dark line on the horizon, holding up all the wind (learnt from my parttime job at the 420 regatta during the hols). It is fun, being angry and then rain suddenly starts pouring down on you as you try to rush back to shore before the storm hits its climax. Back on shore, I found a nail in my boat. Crap, I duno where it came out from. I'm scared its an important screw, and it'll kill my performance. This is my last year racing opti, so i have to really work at it. =/ After flipping boats, Johnathan Piranto (yepp, that's his name :P) and mi went to sign out, and started talking about not racing but working next year. It's freaking hell more worth the time luhh. Now I'm feeling loads better. Thanks KC didi for the bit about mi in your post. :P Thankyou sherwin for volunteering to try and help mi in history, although you arent good in it and actually didnt help. It's the thought that counts. Seriously. That's the thought that most of my classmates lack. It's also the reason why I wana leave DHS. Some of them even have the nerve to come and ask why I want to leave.
Friday, July 18, 2008
, 5:21 PM
Ahahahahaha, todae was a pretty sian day. (: Spent practically entire school day reading Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult. Man, her books own! x33 After school chionged to piano and then to anglican high for the guys match. Woots, i wasnt late. Sad, they lost. Hais, if only the buzzer rang like 1 sec later, they would've had a chance to win. ): Oh well, at least they're into top4. :D Jiayous guys! -- Ending off with some pics. :P Thanks for this rae! It looks soooo cute! ^^ It's going in... it's going in... Hmm, guess not. D: Get the rebound! Rawr! Me doing layup. Whee, mi hair is flying, im in slippers, and the ground is wet. What fun. At least I got the ball in.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
, 5:49 PM
Ahahahaha, I've planned roughly mi bdae party already! :DD Mhmm, mhmm, we're gona go play PAINTBALL at Orchid country club! :DD Thenthenthen, maybe go bowling or swimming, then have pizza dinner! I wan the new pizza, the cheesy cheesy one from pizza hut! ^^ Heh, it's gona be on a saturdae, most likey 2nd of aug. (: People going will be teammates plus maple friends! Ahahahaha, those that I've invited already seem to be very excited, about the paintball especially. But of course, if i havent asked and you wana come, leave mi a msg. ^^ Mhmm, it's not that confirmed yet, but should be liddat. :D
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
, 5:45 PM
Whoaa, mi 100th post! :DD Heh, ima commemorate it with LOTS of pictures! ^^ Random ones of cos. :P Lots and lots of pics. -- Todae i went to sch and didnt know alot of stuff. Like the chinese worksheet, i didnt know i had to do. PE played a little of touch rugby, but mi left shoulder pain, so didnt throw properly. Something interesting: ytd, i tried to do a lefthand layup in the 3rd quarter, but was 1sec too late. Zhenwen tried righthand layup in the 4th quarter on mondae, but was 1sec too late. Todae, mi left shoulder aching, his right one aching. So qiao. Science, i didnt understand what Mrs Theng talking about. T.T rawr. No one tell mi der. Haiis. She wanted to talk to mi after science lesson, then i thought how come i got in trouble. :X Actually all she wanted to do was talk about whether i accepting the vjc offer or not. Sheesh, she practically invited mi to go SSS. ==" Rawr. I'd rather not go for it. She took practically mi entire lunch lehh. :X sadded, didnt get to eat. T.T HCL got this zhanglaoshi, then he point with his middle finger throughout the lesson lehh! LOL. The most vulgar teacher ever. (: Hahas. Supposed to take MRT home with jiaqi and rae, but i didnt know mi lessons finish half hr earlier than theirs.... i waited awhile, missed 3 MRTS, then took it and didnt care them ler. At tanah marah MRT, i met zhenwen and fraser. They just finished the match i guess. I think they won? But zhenwen told mi that time i think he tired, then didnt say clearly. :X I met yanperng there too. Hwachong people went to support their sch for some judo competition at bedok stadium... Reached home, found that the vjc acceptance letter finally arrived! Ahahaha. The same dae that Mrs Theng talked to mi about it. Wonder how she know anyway... -- PICTURES TIME! AHAHAHAHA! Blue lights.. Purple lights.... Dark blue lights.. Whoa, a preview of NDP from the air. :P SG flier before dark. (: -- Ahem, idea for mi bdae present... TEDDYBEAR TEDDY BEAR! I know ive built one before, but I wan ANOTHER one! -- Church camp! Whoo! A is for ahgua, B is for bahgua, C is for (C)xigua, D is for donggua, E is for iguana, F is for fagua, G is for guagua, H is for HAMIGUA! :D Jensen, Lindy and Sharyn at Macs kids area. :P Whoa, look at the size of that thing! Daniel/armour of God, drinking the non-alchoholic sparking grape juice we won for our skit. Rawr. I still wana drink! -- Fancy japanese restaurant that i went last sunday. Whoa, so many shiny glass panels.... -looks up at ceiling- LOL, mi cousin wearing mi earring. NutsBoutNuts guild logo ftw! Rawr, look here, not away! T.T What's with the orange light? Aww, sho cute! :DD Mi 3 nephews. Pity couldn't take a pic of mi neice. -- 2A has an awesome sense of humour... Hahahaha, Ernest's special day celebrated at kaleo! ^^ -- Mhmm, all for todae, pretty long huh? :P
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
, 6:59 PM
Comon, admit it, we put up a great fight todae... well most of us at least. :X I managed to control my emotions on court and shoot in quite a few free throws. That's good! ^^ Mhmm, the score's 62-25, but it's alright. We cant reverse time and change it. Just found out today that Christina actually cant hear jiaolian shouting at her, so no wonder she really cant play. Gosh, that's a serious prob though. Nana, go have your ears checked please. :X After the match, the year 2s decided to go treat ourselves at Chinese Swimming Club! Sad that jiaqi and crystal didnt come though. T.T Which outing would be complete without pictures! Mind you, these aren't all of them. I'll upload the rest when I get them. :P -- Camwhoring in the TOILET, bwahahahaha, the toilet is super clean and spacious lor! :D  How come only got 4 people?  Tall people behind, shorties in front. :P  Aha, Nana, caught you scratching your back!  Eee, how come im cut out off the picture.... T.T  Free kick? o.o Why suddenly playing soccer?  Weird and random, much?  OMG rae, that looks constipated. =/  Smile with your mouth full! (:  My, Nana's enjoying her sandwich, mhmm?  What are YOU looking at?  LOL?  CHOCOLATE FONDUEEEE! :DDDDD -drools-  Fruitsfruitsfruits!  Candid me! Wahahaha. :D -eyes the fruits-  Lol, rene, I know your smoothie is nice, but look at the camera... Rawr, the chocolate fondue is MINE, you hear? Mine! Look here rae! Smile with your mouth full! (: Whoa, Nana's giving me a scary-but-not-so-scary-but-actually-quite funny look! :X Jingmei has the fastest reaction. Rae has the slowest.  1, 2, 3, FONDUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :DDD -- Heh, that's all for now. ^^ Overall today was fun. I'll post the pics at the bball court later. :P
Monday, July 14, 2008
, 4:48 PM
Whoa, im still reeling from adreneline rush from the guys match earlier todae. They rocked! It was an awesome game, and im glad they won. (: Todae sch a little sian, but i was supposed to go for zoo CIP todae. In the end, i swapped with sammie and i went to anglican high to watch match instead. Me, jiaqi, rae and mr koh took a cab there, and he paid for it. He told us we didnt have to pay, as long as we play a good match tmr. We reached there in middle of first quarter, when we thought we would reach there after second. Cool. The guys really did their best, and deserved to win. (: Rawr. Today's assembly talk by mr qiw actually can apply, for once. He talked about fear and courage. Then he said, in chinese but i shall translate for benefit of some people: if you don't know how strong your opponent is, there is no reason to fear, just give out your best. Totally makes sense for tomorrow's match against ngee ann! We don't really know how strong they are, only heard via word of mouth. So we must ping tomorrow and put in our all if we wana stay in the competition! ^^ Im supposed to give teamtalk to the team tomorrow, and i reli duno wad ima say. Guess i'll improvise as i go. (: Mhmm, tomorrow's objectives are, if any of mi teamies are reading this: 1) Focus, and play properly! 2) Control our emotions and leave them off court. I admit, i was guilty of that last week. 3) Work as a team and look forward. 4) Have confidence, don't be scared. Believe we can do it. 5) Don't scare the rest about how pro ngee ann is, even if you know it's true cos ure frens are there. ==" rawr, ana and rae, shutup tmr. :D --- Mi bro came home crying. =/ cos his classmate made it through NUS high's dsa test while he didnt, and that guy does hell worse than him. Rawr. Life aint fair sometimes. :X --- To go or not to go, we shall discuss that AFTER tomorrow's match. (:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
, 5:19 PM
Im STILL happy todae. (: That's a super good thing, mhmm? ^^ Todae went church in the morning, and ended up playing bingo with lindy, venise and rachel at the back of the sanctuary. Then went to some japanese restuarant at marina there cos my uncle struck 4D. There, he asked me wad I wanted for my bdae so I told him I wanted a crumpler. He gave me $200 dollars to go buy myself. (: See chengsin, I just saved you from buying me a crumpler. Now please don't buy me a skirt unless you really want to waste money; I wont wear it. After lunch brought my neice to candy empire to buy her something, but all she wanted was a free balloon from outback steakhouse opposite... >< Mhmm, then mi bro went to watch hellboy with my cousins and their girlfriends, and i didnt go cos i already watched it yesturdae... :X Rawr. So mi and mi mom went walking around, had icecream, bought some stuff, then went home. The end. (:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
, 9:08 PM
Wheeeeeeee! I'm feeling reli high compared to the past two days. (: This morning went for NJC interview. Didnt wana go, but had to. I made the interviewers laugh 3 times and smile alot, so is that a good thing? :X The people there are damm nice though. (: Then rushed to school after the interview for bball training. When I got there, they just got dismissed. Jiaolian didnt scold mi, but asked the others to teach mi the new attacking formation thingy. Then when i went to return him the board, he even asked how was the interview. :X Balled with the sec1 guys and jiaqi awhile, then took a ride from crystal. Afternoon went to watch Hellboy with lincoln didi and chengsin. Of cos, chengsin being the rich one, he treated us. (: The movie got one bit where Hellboy and Abraham sing 'Cant smile without you'. Then when they start singing, cos im seated between two people that CAN sing and they start laughing, naturally you laugh along. But it was funny. Hahas, they made mi high, in a good clean way. :D They always do actually, when they're together. (: Mhmm, that's all, ima go read other ppl's blogs now. :P
Thursday, July 10, 2008
, 8:34 PM
Today's been a wonderful day, wouldnt you agree? This morning woke up to see your sms. You broke it once, and time healed it. I gave it back to you, but you shattered it yet again. I wont even talk to you again, dont worry. Hate me all you want. Found out what you do, and I cant believe I trusted you. I told you stuff, but you betrayed my trust. Not only me though. I'm so disappointed. -- Today's sch day damn sian, but get to leave class at 1.45. I really wana rewind the clock, and then we can win today's match. Yep, we lost to Manjusri. It was an even battle, but ultimately, we lost. Why keep passing to the right? The left is perfectly open! Sometimes it sucks to be lefthanded. I know, I didnt focus. I can't help it okay. Andrew came to watch, but didnt get to talk to him, nor see him much. Just caught a random glance of the one I think should be him. Oh well. Pig kor came to watch, say wan cheer mi up, then siam before coach's debrief over. Haiis. -- Forget it. If emo's the way to go, let me be.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
, 8:03 PM
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. VJC accepted me. I'm still reeling from the shock of reading the email. =/ Now what? Do i accept it and leave dunman high and my bball team? I really dont know what to do. I've come to love it, even though trainings are tough and sometimes jiaolian is scary. Heh, its true. If i go, i'll miss rene and the chicken dance, jiaqi and her magic passes, rae and banmian, christina and her equally magic passes, jingmei and her handphone camera, amanda and her pleat(hahas) and crystal the indian. Of cos my juniors and classmates and everyone i know will be missed too. Okay, enough ranting for today. Anyone wana give me advice on this? :X -- Today we swapped classrooms with 1B, and when the guys entered the class for the first time, they started tearing down the '1 Bellanca Rocks' sign on top of the white board. Before recess, it spelt 'Be lan cocks'. After recess, it became 'Be a cock'. I have a pic in my phone if anyone wana see, courtesy of yulong, our new vicechair. (: Yulong, vicechair? Good choice okay! :D Hehs, bball training todae rather slack, we got dismissed early too. Coach teach us two new baseline formations and also a way to counter manjusri's defense. Come to think about it, i really think we stand a chance on thursday.
Monday, July 7, 2008
, 5:07 PM
RAWR. The next chapter of prologue came out already. Sheesh. I feel so slow. T.T (no offense meant, whatsoever) Happy Youth Day, peoples! :D Saturdae was kaleo youth day celebrations in church, and i had lotsa fun. :P Next year, remind me to invite people. Today, i went to vivocity with mi family and charissa's family for lunch. Actually wanted to watch movie, but all tickets sold out ler... I met wanqing, one of the girls i worked with during mi parttime work at NSC for the sailing regatta, at Marche's when i had lunch. Later, went to hagen daz and met her again! Lol, she was working there. So cool, met her twice on the same day. Sighs, tomorrow sch officially starts lor, first two weeks of term3 was just playing nia. :P Mhmm, off to try and write somemore of chapter 8, and hopefully i can finally finish it by this weekend! :X
Friday, July 4, 2008
, 7:40 PM
OMGGGGGG. We tio Ngee Ann and Manjusri for 2nd round! Today's youth day, and had celebrations. First is yr2 and 4 play carnival games, but mi and teammates sian mah, so play bball instead. At first ball with some yr2 and yr4 girls, then go play floorball with them using brooms and dustpans. Walao, damm fun lah! I play until i damm high. :D Later go ball in indoor court with dunjie before going hall for concert. This year concert got alot of breakdancing, but the sec4 rock band the vocalist abitabit cannot sing der. :X After concert go back ball with dunjie, louis and teammates, and then play all vs louis and dunjie. (: Liddat we still tio own leh. ==" Then the guys kicked us out of indoor court, so we go outdoor. Outdoor play team at first, then after dunjie leave we play all vs louis, full court. (: Ownage. Heh. After all that, Rae, Rene, Crystal, me and Louis take taxi. First dropped louis at buona vista mrt, then drop crystal at tanah merah mrt, then rest of us go mi house first. Play abit of maple and chat awhile then we walk to Anglican High to meet laoshi. Watched the last two quarters of AHS vs SAC, and AHS standard dropped ler. Then laoshi go draw the teaming, come back abitabit not happy. Guys der draw not good, and girls der draw we dont get to choose, but luck not on our side. ): Hais. Bobian. On the way back, laoshi say that she and the teachers discuss with coach, and agree that me, jiaqi, rene, and jingmei all not performing on court. All also agree that is cos we distracted about guys so never play properly. ==" Teachers also can speculate until liddat ahhs....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
, 1:22 PM
Zomggggg! I got into NJC interview round! I thought i screwed the maths, but apparently not. :PMhmm, well, i opened the letter, expecting it to reject mi, but the first line i saw was: "we wish you all the best for your interview." Roflmao.Today did IDMI presentation, and I think our group did quite well. (:Tomorrow linlaoshi going anglican high to draw 2nd round fixtures, and im going along. Please Lord, give us Chueng Cheng high. If we get them, getting any other team is also okay. Coach says most preferrably is get CCHSM and Manjusri, but if tio Anglican or NgeeAnn also bo bian lo... :X All I nida do is pray more, and hope we dun tio dunman sec again. Rawr.All we nida do is win one match, and we're in east zone top 4! :D School history mann!Tomorrow is youth day celebrations, dont think im taking part in anything unless my team signed me up or something... :X
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
, 12:28 PM
Whoa, school wireless can maple! ;DD I brought lappy to school todae again, and this time, connected to DHS WLAN. Then, in class very bored mah, so just try open maple... and -poof-. LOL. That was seriously the response that came from me, benjamin and tseshuen when we saw the screen turn black. Haha, but it's reli lag and i lagged out twice. >< Better than nothing though. (:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
, 5:50 PM
Ahahahahahahaha, we lost todae, as expected. Well, 60% scrolls normally work right? So yeah, it worked this time round. Morning woke up duno wad time, but earlier than planned, cos going fengshan play ball with scary gangster ken kor before the match. From 11 change to 11.30 cos someone like v lazy hor... Anyway, give me more time eat breakfast I also dont mind. Reach there play shooting nia, then later christina and crystal come and mi and crystal play 2v1 against him. In the end still lost lah, but no one bothered to count anyway. Old ahpek come bully littlr kids hor... :P Mhmm, then coach not around for first bit of the match, so teachers act as coaches for awhile. Coach around or not also bobian, sure lose der mah. In thr end, the score was 47-4, and I was responsible for 2 points cos of free throws. I had 8, but only in 2 leh. T.T sadded. After match tio talk by all the teachers and coach, at least he never scold mi, that badly. :P Then go bedok interchange macs eat with kor, he pay and carry the food. :DD Met Rae there, and she say I bully people. ==" Go home take bus 14, then jiaqi, jingmei and co. board at fengshan stop. Then two of them come complain that kor looks scary cos of his hair and they scared of him. Wahahahaha. >:D Kor, go cut lahs, people keep getting wrong impression der... Hmm, nothing much ler lo. (: Stop spamming mi on msn pls people. T.T
, 8:34 AM
Mhmm, I'm bored, that's why I'm posting. Later going to fengshan cc at 11 to ball with fatty kor. People that read this post, be my witness. If today's match against dunman sec we lose, he have to buy me macs. >:D 60% chance lose lahs, and 60% scrolls usually work. I don't know if I'm going to be able to play at 90-100% today, but I sure don't want coach scold me later. ==" Sians, nth to do. Mom asked mi do some maths assessment book before going, but I don't care. Think ima go maple abit. Post more tonite or sth.
Yours Truly.
The girl's name is Nicole, or simply Nic for short. She enjoys writing fanfiction and playing basketball, and was born on 06/08/1994.
She currently terrorises the school known as VICTORIA JC, of which she belongs to the VIP, after having wrecked enough havoc in her first six schooling years in Taonan and her subsequent two years in Dunman High.
Her known haunts include the IGLOO, where, being a CT Councillor, she gets to use the foosball table for free. Challenge her ANYTIME you see her there, she'll play with you for sure. :D
She can be really cheerful and hyper and go around poking you nonstop, or she can also be an emo kid, stoning in a corner and channelling her sorrows out in her angsty writings.
Her mood fluctuates wildly, so it is advised not to irk her at all costs.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the above profile.
Want a cookie? ^^
1) ARNOLD: you owe me Valentines' Day (for next year) and Birthday presents! :D
Keep Wishing.
I ain't materialistic. I'm simply idealistic.
`Be able to spend more time with you.
`Happiness. Both yours and mine.
`Prove to myself that everything I stand by and believe in isn't freaking unrealistic and impossible.
`To find my true calling and purpose in life.
`To smile and really, really, smile.
Occupy the Silence.
Feed Me.