Wednesday, October 29, 2008
, 8:04 PM
I'm so proud of being part of this class. We were actually branded as the class that set the standard for worst class. :P teehee.
Today was actually a very fun day. I went to school and made letters for everyone in class. Took me quite awhile, but yes, I finished them all. :D
Gave them out to everyone, and surprisingly, no one threw them away, and thankyou Ben, for saying thankyou. (:
Saddening though, I brought a basketball to return to the school, and I let the guys borrow it in class. They bounced too loud apparently, and did something wrong, 'cause they returned it to me immediately and then some uncle came into class and asked whoose ball was it. Someone said it was mine, and I got lectured for nothing. I know I got pissed and lost my temper after that, but I really want the one who was responsible to own up, kay? My last day in school today, c'mon, I won't be mad and scold you with F word like I did earlier... :X
Went to gym later for class league, and omg, 2A won first. Haha, we get our class engraved on the plaque and all. So awesome. Even got certificate okayy! I gave out lollipops to almost all my teachers, and seeing them smile really makes me smile. I'm going to miss the PE dept. especially, all the good times talking with the teachers whenever I go to the PE room (which was quite often, actually, compared to other students).
I shook hands with a whole lotta people today, especially Mr Hia and Mr Yeo. Mr Yeo, the master walnut, don't worry, I'll come back to visit DHS whenever I have time. :D And next time we'll go watch movie lah, have to see first.
kay, Ima be doing dedications to all my classmates in this post, followed by pics, so it's gona be long. Bear with me.
Visited you in NUH before you got the brace, and when you got it, it was like, whoa, cool armour seh! Total protection from poking. :P Now it's off, and you can do PE ler! Yay! :D
Nicole will always love eli kay? Eli CANNOT dao nicole, or nicole will be sad and not come back to DHS to visit you. (:
MJ, hopped right out of spiderman to come to DHS Antlia hor, and I remember you as the first friend I made at registration day.
Woots, year one class chairperson. Keep Wye Inn in check kay? Don't let her flirt too much. (:
Haha, thanks for the smses today. :D you jiayou too, and don't worry bout the hair jokes anymore. :D
Oh gosh, Mrs. Shiau~ haha. Your GPA owns me lah. D:
Hey, chairperson! It was fun doing all those projects with you over the years. Smile more, yeah? (: goodluck.
Yep, your initials are the same, even if upside down! That's one thing you told me and I remembered! Loved talking to you about online games and maple. :D Thanks for reading my fics.
Aiyo, why you never stay for class league. You didn't get my note. Anyway, next year's a fresh start in a new class, so jiayou yeahh?
Hey, my first friend I made during orientation! :D Sorry I made you use english lah, I didn't know you were a SG PR.
I didn't really talk much to you until second half of this year yeah, but I know you're nice all the same. Keep that smile on your face kay, and show off those braces. :D
Thankyou yenhan for standing all my crap when you were sitting next to me, and thankyou for letting me rant out yeah? Andandand, keep all my secrets to yourself okay, or I shall go after you... :P
Yanjing ah, don't cry ler kay? Must pollute your new class with you loudloud super hyper laughter. :D
Yingxin jie, nicole will come back to see you lots and lots! Anyway, my neighbour still in your CCA, so it's okay. (:
Oh gosh, Sammie, thanks for everything, for bearing my crap, for helping me with my fics, for being so tolerable sitting next to me. Haha. Jiayou for O levels, since you're taking them. And your maths can pass lah.
Woots, you're also leaving DHS lahhh. :D Jiayou in TJC and hope you find a CCA you like! And Louis is cuter than Wesley hor. :DD
Sher, my emo buddy! Haha, you got your pic featured in my previous post edi lah. Hope you achieve your dream of saving lives and being a heart surgeon. (: God will be with you always.
Haha, all the pics you take with me, you always look nicer than me. D: Rawr. Haha, 'cause you're a pearl mah. :D
Aiyo, your chinese owns mine, but my running beats yours. :DD teehee.
Wye Inn.
Will remember you ask one of my first friends in DHS. Don't flirt too much, and remember that your "forever" in dao-ing ZW will only be a couple of days. :P
Yo, my beloved pineapple friend! Haha, don't change your hairstyle kay, it's so cool. :P Nicole WILL come back to visit you!
Wah, so fast fly to China edi, no time to say good bye... :/
Whee, both of us are the class tigers, heh? But I'm the fastest, and you're the slowest. No offence.
Last day of being the VICE chairperson ler. And yes, I WILL come to the class chalet yeah? :D
Wah Edric, relax kay? You can do it, don't stress over the guys' remarks lah...
Woots, KFC. Haha. :D Don't sleep in class so much, kay?
Hmm, everything I wana say to you is in the lil' note I wrote, so no hard feelings kay? Jy for running and stuff. (:
Aiyo, I can't remember if you sat in front of me or behind me during first week of school lah. But still, you're one of the first friends I made too! And I'll always remember when you said Fish during a bball match. :P
Yo, class treasurer, your soccer is imba lahh. Now why didn't you guys win first place for interclass?
Really what, I didn't talk much to you. And in class you're so quiet.... talk more yeah?
Yeah lah, p5 same class in TNS, then DHS same class also. But come secschool then we like never talk that much ler... Jy for soccer and badminton kay.
Woots, remembered that we met in maple before school started. Haha. Thanks for being an awesome friend through it all. And don't worry, you'll find your special friend someday. :D
Rawr, I still think I haven't poked you enough lahh. But I'll be back to visit soon, and... muahahahaha. (: It's fun to poke you lah.
Thanks too shuen, for everything, and being an awesome friend. (: Pity you ain't going VJC also...
Alright Ben, keep your funny handsign yeah? It's so you. I think I might miss it all when I'm in VJC.
Kay, that's it I guess. Now for pictures....

Me and Shuen. I'll miss you loads yeah. It was fun sitting next to you in class last year, with the PSP and DS and all.

Most of 2A's girls, and half of the guys. Certificates of BEST CLASS AWARD. WOOTS.

We are one indeed. 2A'08, Nicole will miss you.

School campus.... Hope it isn't the last time I'll get to see it. I'm hoping my mom let's me go play basketball tomorrow.

Me, VICEDING, haihua. Increasing order of height. Not fair.

Me and haihua again. I think this pic is nicer, although I closed my eyes.

Whooo! Drinkstall uncle! Eeeeks, forgot to take with the other uncle lehh.. but thankyou uncle, for all the freedrinks and letting me take the "special queue" and letting me find the hidden stash of Kitkat in the back fridge. (:

Rene, Weiwen, and me. Oh gosh, isn't Weiwen just the cutest?

Me and Rene. C'mon quekkkkk, you can play control well lahh. :D Must own in B div kayy.

Another one. Kay lah, I know my hair's a mess. :/
Jingmei, rachel, and captain Christina. I'll miss playing ball with you guys. Aiyo, Rae, weird smile. .____.

Me and Qianye. Ahh, didn't manage to take pics with any other seniors...

Ah, sideways pic. From bottom, Ann, holding basketball. Hunghui, in PE. Then me and Weiwei. (:

Me and Jingmei. Rawr, carebear. (:

The gym. I will miss you. All the times I played ball in here.

Oh gosh, Qianye, what are you and Christina doing?

Wow. Simply brilliant.

Outdoor court. I shall miss you too. Good times playing under the hot sun and getting sunburnt. I'm sunburnt today, actually.

Eli and me again. Rawr, Eli, don't cry.

Getting all loving during the emo picture slideshow. Aw, nicole wants a hug too.

Nicole is really happy today, I think.