Saturday, December 27, 2008
, 8:44 PM
Posting from my mom's friend's house lol. She let me use her lappy 'cause I wanted to be an anti-social person at the post xmas dinner tonight. Surprisingly, my mom had no qualms about letting me use the lappy. Hmm, wonder why. I fell asleep at my study table last night. Gosh, the teddybear chair is sooooo comfortable to sleep it. Joseph says it looks like a giant cookie. :D haha, it's cute what. Started doing my work the moment I felt like doing it in the morning, and when my mom came to check on me, she was shocked to see me scribbling away, book in hand. Heh, that probably explained why she didn't mind me using the computer an hour or two later. Yeah well, the typical start to a boring, comp-screen-staring saturday, no? Went out to tampines mall with Joseph later in the afternoon though. Aimless walking ftw. And yeah, I got spotted by some people who happily jumped to the conclusion that I was on a date. -.- Right. Not you, KC didi. :x Cause we really didn't have anything else to do, I went over to Joseph's house to watch him play fallout 3. Blasting heads off is okay, but when they show you the disembodied head.... eeeek. His house is big. .___. When I say big, I mean big. I mean, it can compare to Chenyin's house, 'cept for the fact that her's is somewhat bigger (cause it's two houses combined), and that she has a swimming pool. Oh, swimming pool, I miss ponning 3rd lang just to go over and swim in it. :x Heh. Oh, and the third floor is awesome. :D Having a bar at home sounds fun. Mhmm, then went home and found out we had to pick up my bro from his friend's house. Second trip to Kembagan in a single afternoon lol. Sianned, wonder what time we're leaving. I'm feeling pretty sleepy now, actually. Could be due to the fact that I had two rounds of dinner today (Hey, I was hungry!), that the aircon's on and that I'm hugging a pillow. I want my octopus now. D: And all SG FF writers that see this post, send me the info that I need. We're still going through with the hoodie idea, and if you forgot what info I need, they are: your quote, the character who said it, and story title. MSN or PM or email them to me asap if you haven't already done so. I know you all want your quotes to be cool/funny/kickass/whatever, but RAWR, YOU'RE NOT THE ONE WHO'S DOING ALL TEH ADMIN CRAPS FOR IT. Mind you, I had to search and PM all the other writers who didn't know about it. -.-
Friday, December 26, 2008
, 6:40 PM
WHOO, lvl 102. Haha. :D It'll be a screenshot post today. ^^ First up...  WHOO, I FINALLY GOT HELMED. :D Ty soooo much pantstom didi. (: It's a wonderful X'mas present. Apparently, I didn't get helmed until 5am this morning, 'cause the first run everyone gg in b3. .___. Well, that's what he said. Heh, then I went to Happyville to slack with Jun, but before than, look at the conversation below lol...  ROFL, go box go~ I'm the box in the background, heh. So yeah, went to Happyville afterwards, and had fun playing around. :D  ME WANT PRESENTS! -lil kid mode-  LOL, You tall person!~ But we all know Jun's actually shorter than me in rl. xD  Bow down before me. :D Afterwards, he went off, and I went to train. Rawr, so little attkers this morning, and I wasted so many hours. T.T Nvm, at least I managed to level. :x Thenthenthen, went to slack off at Happyville with guildies and alliance peeps. :D  I'm a talking, inanimate box. F3. Fear me.  Oh, I like this one. Nigel really bowed, LAWL.  On the 5th day of Christmas, maple gave to me, FIVE SAND BUNNIES!~ HAHA. :D Gosh, so fun. Happyville really is the happiest town ever. (:
Thursday, December 25, 2008
, 9:21 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL! :D Hope you all got better presents than me yeah. :/ Anyway, today we went to Marche's to eat! Yay, haven't been there in a really long time yeah. Then went to buy my new CDs at HMV while my bro went to explore how to get home from NUS High. We just chucked him out the car at the busstop and left him to fend for himself, heh. xD -listens to CD- OH, I FINALLY UPLOADED ANOTHER FIC! WHEE. :D
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
, 6:11 PM
How will I die? Your Result: You will die of boredom. Try not to take so many quizzes. And while this answer may seem like a joke, it most certainly is not. Boredom is one of the most frequent causes of death. The body will simply stop functioning. Try not to become an excercise junkie. One cannot escape destiny... | You will die in your sleep. | | You will die in a car accident. | | You will die in a nuclear holocaust. | | You will die from a terminal illness. | | You will die while saving someone's life. | | You will die while having sex. | | You will be murdered. | | How will I die?">Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
, 5:13 PM
Whee, I'm level 101. :D Don't think I can level again tomorrow though. :x Ah well, doing the music quiz again, 'cause I'm bored. Rules: 1) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle mode. 2) For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3) YOU MUST WRITE THE SONG NAME DOWN, NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. 4) Put any comments in brackets after the song name. 5) Tag 6 people. 1. Are you male or female? Thunder. [Yeah, if you duno, thunder shall come and bug you.] 2. Describe yourself. One step at a time. [Yeah, I'm changing schools one step at a time.] 3. What do people feel when they're around you? Love Story. [Lawl, not like I'm some fine love example for people to follow.] 4. Describe your current relationship. Fall. [The lyrics are actually somehow how I feel now, lol.] 5. Where would you like to be now? Happy Birthday. [OF COURSE I WANT IT TO BE MY BIRTHDAY! Celebrated it for a week this year, truthfully. xD] 6. How do you feel about love? Face down. [Can't see anything; love is blind. Lol.] 7. What's your life like? Built to last. [Oh, definitely, my life is built to last a long, long time, until it ends.] 8. What would you ask if you only had one wish? So what. [I want to have a totally heck-care attitude.] 9. If someone says "Is this okay?", what would you say? I still believe. [I still believe this is okay, right...] 10. How would you describe yourself? Your guardian angel. [Who's guardian angel am I?] 11. What do you like in a guy/girl? It's not over. [Umm, I'd like a clingy guy?] 12. How do you feel today? Best of me. [I'm feeling pretty good today, probably one of the best days in a long time.] 13. What do your friends think of you? Hot N' Cold. [Hmm, I am pretty fickle-minded, I suppose.] 14. What do you think of your parents? Lollipop. ["Hey, what's the big idea?~" lawl.] 15. What do you think about very often? Superman. [Eh, no, I don't fantasize about superheroes.] 16. What is 2+2? 1,2,3,4. [OMG, THE MEDIA PLAYER KNOWS HOW TO COUNT SIA. The answer really is 4.] 17. What do you think of the person you like? Make it mine. [I wana make you mine. :x] 18. What is your life story? Imitation. [I don't need an imitation, mhmmm. F3.] 19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Lucky. [Who doesn't wana be lucky?] 20. What do you think of when you see the person you like? Heartbeat. [Keep my heart beating, yeah.] 21. What will you dance to during your wedding? Thnks Fr Th Mmrs. [Eh, why a one-night stand song for my wedding?] 22. What will they play at your funeral? Next plane home. [What? They expect me to be on the next plane home? I'm dead!] 23. What is your biggest fear? Make some noise. [Right, I like it nice and quiet. -.-] 24. What is your hobby/interest? Makes me wonder. [Mhmm, I like making people wonder.] 25. What do you think of your friends? Shake it. [Whooo, dance guys. Lol.] Not tagging anyone. Haha. Yeah, I was damn pissed by that annoying guest yesterday. Details are unecessary.
Monday, December 22, 2008
, 11:54 AM
Hey all, I'm back from my cruise! :D I took some pictures, mhmm. And will put them at the back of this post. First day when we first boarded the cruise, I actually didn't like it much. :/ Normally I get seasick, mhmm, so I was pretty worried. Surprisingly, motion sickness didnt strike me on the first day, so I was pretty thankful. :D Went to the gym to train abit, haha. Ran for an hour on the threadmill, hmm. That night, we had formal dinner in the "Romeo and Juliet" dining room. Meh, my mom made me wear a skirt, but I refused to take a pic of myself in it, heh. xD Then, there was the matter of the cutlery. So many forks, knives, and spoons, and I don't think I've ever eaten at a restaurant like that before. .____. So yeah, we being the blurblur-never-eat-at-fancy-place-or-attend-dining-ettiqute-workshop-before-people, we just anyhow use lors. :D teehee. The food was good kay. ^^ Oh, and everyday we were there, the staff would make the towels into animal shapes. :D so cute can! Second day we stopped at Penang, and while we were waiting to get clearance to disembark, I got seasick. :/ But before that, my aunts dragged me to go learn the chacha. .____. Went shopping at some mall in Penang, and saw some very cool stuff, haha. xD Will post the pic later.
Third day got very sian of the stuff ler, cause everywhere was so crowded. Only thing I remember was going to the fancy dining room to eat again, and the waiters were singing and having a parade and everything. Gosh, there was one waiter with awesome vocals. .____.
At night my relatives made me go karaoke with them, and they made me sing. -.- Gawd, my mom pangseh me sia, then I had to sing "I'd like to teach the world to sing" by myself. After I finished, everyone was like: "Eh, you sure you're not in choir?" Lawl. I know my singing voice is nice larhs, but I zhaosia alot, so I hardly sing, mhmm. :X This morning we disembarked at 8 something in the morning, and I was thinking something of "yay, go home to rest and play computer in peace" when suddenly, this super clingy, super annoying, and super loud schoolmate that my bro met on the cruise said: " Can I go over and play?" -screams and feels like kicking the guy's balls- He is just so bloody annoying. He's acting like this is his house kay, and even my bro is getting pissed. The guy just collapsed a table here, and instead of helping to fix, he complains his back hurts. -.- Irritating guy, hope he never comes over again.
Enough of that now. Oh, and to all those that smsed me while I was on cruise, sorry for not replying. Eh, wait, no, to all except cloney, cause you really bugged me. -.-
Pics time. (: View of the ship when we were going to board it.
The outdoor swimming pool! I didnt take a pic of the indoor one. My niece playing the drums lawl. She's become a camwhore at such a young age. .__. The soup on the first night, haha. It was nice. (: And see all the cutlery.
View of penang from the ship. Taken about the time I got seasick. :X
These are house phones. :D Really. See the dots on the coke can? Yeah.
LAWL, my bro took this with my phone. .___.
 The bed, lol. It's soooo comfortable kayy. (:  Towel monkey! Cute, right? View of the ship when waiting in line to board the transporter boat.
 View of the ship from the transporting boat, coming back from Penang. Mhmm, that's about it. :D And this trip was essentially a family holiday, so almost all my relatives went. And gosh, my cousin's having an affair. Well, I ain't complaining, the new girl's alot nicer than his wife. :X And he may be buying me a lappy for xmas! Whooo~
Thursday, December 18, 2008
, 11:34 PM
Doing a really funny quiz before I leave my blog un-attended for a couple of days [refer to the post below for details]. :P Took from KC didi's blog, and I was laughing all the way while reading. Rules: 1) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle mode. 2) For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3) YOU MUST WRITE THE SONG NAME DOWN, NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. 4) Put any comments in brackets after the song name. 5) Tag 6 people. Here we go... 1] Are you male of female? You and I both. [What has this got to do with my gender?] 2] Describe yourself. Whoa Oh (Me VS. Everyone). [Oh yes, Me against the world indeed. So true.] 3] What do people feel when they're around you? You, me, and the bourgeoisie. [Umm, so they don't feel so paiseh being alone with me, cause got the bourgeoisie there? .___. But what is it, anyway, I wonder...] 4] Describe your current relationship. Check yes Juliet. [No, I ain't eloping with my lover. I don't have one, anyway. .__.] 5] Where would you like to be now? Greatest Day. [Does that answer the question? Not really. But I do want it to be possibly the greatest day of my life, anyway, "before it all ends, before we run out of time". (:] 6] How do you feel about love? Love for a child. [Hmm, that love for a child is the reason why kids are kept in the dark about stuff that they are too young to handle but they have to? Chim, I know. .___. But anyway, that's not really what I feel about love.] 7] What's your life like? Before the Worst. [Yeah well, I suppose it could be worse off.] 8] What would you ask if you only had one wish? No handlebars. ["I can ride my bike with no handlebars~" LOL. Yeah, I SOOOO wana ride my bike with no handlebars.] 9] If someone says "is this okay?", what would you say? Lucky. [Huh? Lucky for asking me on my opinion? :P Aww, I'm touched.] 10] How would you describe yourself? The end where I begin. [Mhmm, I'm feeling like it's the end of the world with the breakup, and I'm beginning from it. Whee.] 11] What do you like in a guy/girl? Suppose. [Oh, I know, I SUPPOSE I do know what I like in him. Wow, I don't know myself, hmm?] 12] How do you feel today? Yellow. [LAWL. I wore a yellow shirt today, so I feel YELLOW. :D] 13] What do your friends think of you? Just stand up. [Yeah, everything will be alright. They all think I can stand up and get over it. :P I can be my own miracle, alright.] 14] What do you think of your parents? Tu Amor. [Yeah, I'm not sure of the right words to say, alright. The first line is perfect.] 15] What do you think about very often? Crush. [Oh wow, I'm constantly thinking about a non-existent crush. -.-] 16] What is 2+2? Fall for you. [Yeah, it takes certain chemistry and calculations to make me fall for someone. (:] 17] What do you think of the person you like? I dare you to move. [Yeah, I dare you to move alright, and look how it ended up.] 18] What is your life story? Stop and stare. [Meh, yeah, I keep stopping and stare in my life.] 19] What do you want to be when you grow up? How to save a life. [No, I don't want to teach people how to save lives. Bleh.] 20] What do you think of when you see the person you like? That's what you get. [Oh boy, nice one. That's what you get for leaving me, HAH. :D] 21] What will you dance to during your wedding? Relax (take it easy) [Lol, quite slow... so a waltz? :P] 22] What will they play at your funeral? Byebye. [Understatement of the century.] 23] What is your biggest fear? Your call. [Who's call I'm I scared of? Oh wait, I know, cloney/teh stalker. -.-] 24] What is your hobby/interest? Gives you hell. [Nice, my hobby is giving you hell. .____.] 25] What do you think of your friends? Accidentally in love. [What? Ima fall accidentally in love with one of my friends? Eeeek.] 26] I tag... 1) Jun, now you owe me 2 quizzes. xD 2) Joseph, heh, do this one, and skip the previous longlong one if you wish. 3) Arnold, this one should be fun for you larhs, so don't be lazy, and just do. 4) Twinneh/chiasing, if she sees my post, heh. 5) Ricky papa, for him to do when he gets back from msia. 6) Rinnie mei, give her something to post about. I personally like number 22 the best. Haha. Off to sleep, before my Darren erzi scolds me or something. :X
, 10:56 PM
Will be away on cruise from tomorrow till monday morning. Actually planned on going online tomorrow morning before leaving on cruise, but then found out that my brother got into NUS High, and I have to pei him to go there tomorrow to settle the admin stuff, seeing that my mom has an interview with Singtel at the same time. Sianned, was really intending to train abit on maple first, to try and gain more % so I can level up when I just get back from the trip. :X Ah well. Today was pretty fun in itself. Trained 50% plus, and made a new friend! Haha, not really larhs, he's from alliance, but I never talked to him before until I saw him at Happyville. Giant white yetis do catch attention, no? :P Mhmm, think ima go off soon, after surfing some blogs. Hope that there's still signal on the cruise, so I can sms. (: Couple more days to xmas. Oh, to all my maple friends that want me to make xmas cards for you, email me a pic/ss of what you want your char to look like in the card while I'm away, so I can get them immediately when I get back kay. :D Gosh, only 2 days to rush them all this year.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
, 5:48 PM
STUPID. MAPLE. PATCH. -SCREAMS- Can't believe I wasted a whole day doing nothing, waiting for it. -.- Spent my day on skype and msn. First msned + webcam with bakamono kor. (: Had a 6hr++ long webcam + mic chat with Joseph. Heh, it was fun. Then helped ym test out his lappy der in-built mic on skype too. Meh, it's fun larhs.
, 2:52 PM
Tagged by KC didi to do a quiz. Heh. Sabo der. :X 1. Who is the person that tagged you? KC didi lors. 'cause he wana sabo me der. D: 2. Relationship between you and him/her? Maple jie and didi. Not jie/di lian arhs. 3. Five impressions? a] Tall. .___. Haha. b] Random. KFC at pluto, hmm? c] Good channel to rant to. Can send me whole email in chinese also, trying to cheer me up. -.- But then, it just suanned me that my chinese is pretty weak. d] Eh, duno ler. Haha. 4. If he/she become your enemy, you will? Emo, 'cause I lost another friend. :X 5. What will you say to the person you like very much? Hmm, I don't know. Depends on the occassion and mood. But most probably just remain speechless lors. 6. Characteristics I like about myself? Idk. .___. is being small-sized good, in a sense? 7. Characteristics I hate about myself? A lot of stuff, I guess. 8. For the person whom you hate, you say? I don't say anything, unless needed. Just dao-ing is enough. 9. What do people feel about you? How'd I know? I can't read minds. :/ Ask them yourself. 10. Your crush(es)? Currently crush-free. :D [question 11 not here. :X] 12. Pass this to 10 people. 1] Jun. Haha, you asked me to tag you for quizzes before, and now I'm going to. :P 2] Andrew didi. Haha. Remember my christmas present kay. ^^ 3] Joseph. Yeah, we're webcamming now. xD 4] Arnold. I know, you lazy pig don't want do. But just put your name can edi. 5] Ricky papa. You never do my quizzes der lor. T.T 6] Rinnie mei. Eh, I think papa said your name was Rinnie, right. If I'm wrong, then ps arhs. :X 7] Chenwei. If you do see this, means you actually do still come to my blog. 8] Bakamono kor. Long time no tag you do quiz edi. ^^ 9] Cereaaaaal~ If you come to my blog and see, teehee. 10] Rhonda, who probably doesn't come here ler. :/ 13. If 5 and 7 were together? [Ricky papa and Chenwei] EWWWWWWWWWW. They ain't gay. Besides, papa edi got Junwei mama. :D 14. Who does 5 like? [Ricky papa] Hmm? Of course I know. :X But then duno if he really give up edi anot. 15. What colour does 9 like? [Cereal] Haha, idk. xD Never asked. 16. Say something about 8? [Bakamono kor] Kor can chase away annoying flirtatious stalkers. xD 17. Who is 2? [Andrew didi] Maple didi, who is both higher level and older than me. :X 18. Talk about 3. [Joseph] He's my bestie. What d'ya want me to say? OH, I KNOW. Go read the latest chapter of the "maple writers survivor fic", and try and figure out our private joke. :D 19. Who is 10's best friend? [Rhonda] How'd I know? I think she got one gang of best friends. 20. Who is the sexiest amongst all of them? No comment, heh. 21. What colour does number 4 like? [Arnold] -shrugs- .___. yeah hors, Arnold, what's your fave colour arhs. 22. Is 4 single? [Arnold] No, of course not. He's married to his beloved Samsung Omnia laopo. Well, it was after his Acer lappy laopo died. :P 23. What is your relationship with 1? [Jun] Friend? .____. What else could there be? 24. Are 5 and 6 best friends? [Ricky papa and Rinnie mei] LAWL, they're siblings. :D 25. 9's surname? [Bakamono kor] Loo, as in KeenLoo. xD 26. 7's nickname? [Chenwei] Ccw. :/ His penname. 27. Say something to number 8? [Bakamono kor] OCTO LOVES YOU~~~ webcam, haha. (: 28. Say something to help 9. [Cereal] Uhhh, fishy misses you too. Haha. 29. Who does 1 admire? [Jun] Idk. Maybe nobody? 30. Where does 1 live? [Jun] Eh, same place as the answer in KC's quiz: Toa Payoh. 31. 10 of them know who you like? Hmm, almost all barhs. 32. Say something to 6 when you see him/her. [Rinnie mei] Uhh, HELOOO. :D 33. 10's spouse. [Rhonda] Lawl, maple spouse would be ReiZer0. In rl, she's too young to be married. (: Time: 3.23pm Sisters: 0, unless you count maple der. Brothers, 1, will have more if count maple der, too. Shoe Size: I can't remember, haha. x) Height: 155cm. I'm so short. T.T Where you live: In my room, with my beloved softtoys. :D Fave drink: Ginger beer. Fave breakfast: I seldom eat breakfast, actually. :P Have you ever... Been on a plane: First time when I was a week or so old only kay! xD Swam in the ocean: Duh, bodyboarding ftw. Fallen asleep in school: Well, ludi pq so easy to in at 12am-4am plusplus what. :X Broken someone's heart: I... think so? Waited for someone to call: Obviously. Saved emails: -nodnod- What is your room like: IT'S YELLOW/ORANGE IN COLOUR WITH ALL MY BELOVED SOFTTOYS AND MY TEDDYBEAR CHAIRR!~ What's right beside you: My octopus. In front of my is the webcam perched atop the lappy. Yay for skype. :X The webcam convo with Joseph's been running for 4hours plus edi. xD When is the last time you ate: Earlier this afternoon, but I feel hungry now. :/ Ever had... Chicken Pox: Yep, but can't remember having it. :P Sore throat: Of course, who wouldn't? Stitches: Never had them, but I don't think I wana try. Broken Nose: Nope, but got alot of nosebleeds for no reason when I was a kid. Do you believe in love at first sight: Well, it could happen, so why not? Who was/were the last person... You danced with: Umm, my ballet partner for the Allegro routine. We messed up badly. Who made you smile: Joseph, on the webcam. Haha, I laughed more than I smiled. (: Haven't felt this happy in ages. Who yelled at you: My mom, last night. :/ Today did you... Talk to someone you like: Define what kind of like. If it's like-like/crushing, then no. If it means I just like the person as a friend, then yeah, Joseph. That fact's been pretty much repeated throughout this entire quiz. Kiss anyone: My octo. x) Get sick: No way will I get sick when I wana chiong maple, heh. Talk to an ex-classmate: Well, Ben msned me and called me horney, like he always does. .___. Miss anyone: Nope, trying to forget it all. Eat: You think? I just said I had lunch somewhere up there. Experience the best feeling in the world: Hmm, what is the best feeling in the world? Sleep with softtoys: Yep, in the wee hours, I was sleeping with my mountain of them. (: What's under your bed: The floor. Who do you really hate now: No one, in particular. What time is it now: 3.38pm Rawr, so long. :/ Lazy do the last bit edi, so I'll put it in another post some other time, heh. xD
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
, 5:11 PM
POST NUMBER 200! WHOOO~ xD That's the first piece of good news. The next is that... MAGIKA IS LEVEL 100 AT LAST! :DD Thankyou to all who helped me train yeah, cause I had to leech, seeing that I'm a priest and all. And thankyou to those who tried to encourage me today when I came back to train during 2x, but found that there wasn't any priest slot available after I gave up my morning slot in cc1. :X Darn. Also, thankyou Bakamono kor, Crys, and Xiaokor for the megas. :D And jeremy, you still owe me one. F3. Gawsh, so happy. T.T
Monday, December 15, 2008
, 10:32 PM
Found this on Andrew's blog. Wow, I seem pretty bad. .____. Well, I guess the bit about being dependent is true...
, 7:01 PM
Goodbye, NutsBoutNuts. -moment's silence for a newly disbanded guild- Yes, sorry to those who wanted me to keep it open. I just couldn't stand having a dead guild no more, though even people like puremagic2 admit that it's nice. Anyway... I'M LEVEL 99 NOWWWW!~~~~~ WHOOO~ 37% now, so yeah, one or two more days of training should do the trick. xD Gosh, I'm sooooooooooo close to triple digit.... -eye sparkle- And peoples, remember to mega arhs. :D
Sunday, December 14, 2008
, 4:10 PM
Greed: | Low | | Gluttony: | Medium | | Wrath: | High | | Sloth: | Medium | | Envy: | Low | | Lust: | Very Low | | Pride: | Medium | | Discover Your Sins - Click HereWhee, never, ever, face my wrath. :D
Saturday, December 13, 2008
, 12:20 PM
Oh, got tagged by Joseph to do another quiz. Wheee. 1. The person who tagged you is? Joseph, as stated above. 2. Your relationship with them? Pffft, co-author for tlc and besties. Haha. :D 3. Your 5 impressions of them? Hmm: 1] Avid gamer (no doubt) 2] Pretty philosiphical at times (in my opinion), making a good chat buddy. :D 3] Random guy who's willing to poke me on msn, heh. 4] Somewhat not a choice for girls looking for boyfriends. Hey, he's a nice guy kay. 5] Recently getting kinda emo? :X 4. The most memorable thing they had done for you? Uhh, letting me rant about how my life is so screwed? Haha. 5. The most memorable thing he said to you? Something about carving your own purpose in life and shaping your own life. Yeah, thanks dude, it sorta struck me, like I told you before. 6. If they become your lovers, will you? And what are the chances of that happening? 7. If they become your enemy, you will? Ahh, I honestly hope it never will happen, 'cause I don't wana lose another bestie. 8 and 9 are missing, apparently. 10. What is it that you want to tell them now? I know you're super impatient and all, but chill, the right girl for you will come, some day, mhmm? 11. Your overall impression of them? Well, I rant to him, and he rants back. What fun. (: 12. How do you think people around you feel about you? -shrugs- some people think I'm weird, some think I'm okay, and some think I'm nice. Perception is the key. 13. The characters you hate of yourself are? The part of me that gets pissed off so bloody easily. And the somewhat split and complicated personalities. 14. The characters you love in yourself are? I don't know. What's good about me? 15. The most ideal person you want to be is? To be myself, and be accepted for who I am. 16. For the people who care and like you, say something to them? For sticking by me, it's much appreciated. (: 17. Pass this quiz to 10 people whom you wish to know how they feel about you? 1] Jun. Heh. Finally giving you another quiz to do. :P 2] Ricky papa. 3] Arnold. 4] KC didi. Haha, I don't care if you've got a quiz debt. 5] Andrew didi. 6] Andrew, the fanfic writer. Heh. :X 7] Joseph. 8] Chenwei, if he ever still comes to my blog anymore. :/ 9] BenSee, same reason as above. 10] Kookiee. (: 18. Who is no.6 having relationship with? [Andrew, the ff writer] He's 13. And still pretty far away from finding a girl, mhmm. 19. Is no. 9 female or male? [BenSee] Male. Though he likes to bake cookies. 20. If no.7 and no.10 are together, will it be a good thing? [Joseph and Kookie] Hmm, Kookiee's the only girl on the list, heh. but I think personality-wise, it's a bit of a mis-match, so dude, I ain't introducing her to you. :P 21. What's no.2 studying about? [Ricky Papa] Learning to dye his hair COPPERY RED. Rawr. -cough- paikia -cough- 22. What kind of music does no.8 like? [Chenwei] Last I checked, he was listening to the same kinda music I did. Not too sure now, though. 23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? [Arnold] Eh, I can't remember, but it was about maple, and about me wanting to disband the guild. :X 24. Does no.1 have any siblings? [Jun] Nope, he doesn't, though he wish he had, being the loner he is and all. You can take my bro anytime, dude. (: 25. Will you woo no.3? [Arnold] Why would I? .____. We're just friends, and I'm not going to go woo anyone. 26. How about no.7? [Joseph] Pffft, why all these kinda questions? I'm trying to get into the single mentality mode again (though actually failing pretty badly), and besides, I'm not going to woo anyone, as far as I'm concerned. 27. Is no.4 single? [KC didi] Duh, though I know who he likes. :D 28. What's the surname of no.5? [Andrew didi] Yem. Whoo, I remembered. (: 29. What's the hobby of no.10? [Kookiee] Ehh, Idk. :X 30. Does no.5 and no.9 get along well? [Andrew didi and BenSee] They duno each other. :/ Not at all, seeing that they're from different countries. 31. Where's no.2 studying at? [Ricky papa] CCHYS. Heh. Avoiding hairchecks by hiding in toilets. :X 32. Talk about no.1. [Jun] Good maple buddy. :D Willing to help me train though he got hacked and stuff. Thanks dude. (: 33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8 [Chenwei] I probably would have, if we didn't sorta drift apart. 34. Where does no.9 live? [BenSee] To be honest, I have no idea. 35. What does no.4 like? [KC didi] His beloved iPhone. Psshh. 36. Are no.1 and no.5 best friends? [Jun and Andrew didi] What gives, they don't even know each other in maple. 37. Does no.1 have any pets? [Jun} Not that I know of, unless you count virtual pets. 38. Is no.7 the sexiest in the world? [Joseph] LAWL. How would I know? I've never seen him before. 39. What's no.10 doing now? [Kookiee] Idk. .____. She's on msn though. Yepp, that was it. OH, I'M GETTING MY TEDDYBEAR CHAIR TODAYY!~ -eye sparkle-
Friday, December 12, 2008
, 5:40 PM
Whooo, 65%!~~ ^^ Teehee, I think I can really reach lvl 100 sia. .____. I've got some maple pics here today. Teehee.  I trained at sotong, yeah? So as a priest, I can pretty much slack. Haha. xD Slacking and leeching away~ Jy guys, my exp depends on your killing rate. xD Note the diff in exp percentage. This was taken after this afternoon's 2x exp. And yes, I did get divorced today. f3.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
, 7:34 PM
Ehehehe, yeah, managed to get the pictures just now. Plus a scandal one, rofl. Somehow, I don't know why it involves me. o.o  Men in black: Iceruff, Zaon, KD (left to right)  Me, Piggys, and Zaon, also left to right. [IMAGE DELTED] Teehee, I deleted the scandal pic. (: Sole purpose of putting it up was to let fizz kun laugh and be un-emo. It worked. ^^
, 6:16 PM
Back from PPFR outing. The first thing when I went on msn, kc didi started the convo by saying: You went for PPFR outing? Lawl. It was fun kay, and Juzzeh is so dead for not coming. Before the outing, Piggys kept bugging me to hurry up, and so I did, and sprained my ankle. D: Rawr, can't go for VJC crosscountry training tomorrow. :X Then I thought I was late yeah, but when I reached there, only Zaon and Piggys were there. So we waited for Ruff and Cindy for awhile, and then went to watch the 2pm show of Bolt. While waiting, I met HuiZhen, Charis, Weeqin and Justin. Nice coincidence to meet ex-classmates. Bolt is a funny show, and the hamster was soooooooooo cute can! ^^ Thenthenthen, after the movie KD came along to meet us, and when I saw him, I was like: -looks up- Wow. Ruff on the other hand, was: -looks up- then -looks down to check if he's wearing highheels or something- ROFL. He's so tall can. .___. Then we all went to eat something at Long John Silvers after letting Piggys and KD go on a little "date" by themselves around the floor, while we all hid in Comics Connection. It was pretty funny: at first, we were split into two tables, 3-3, then the 3 people came over to our table after awhile. Rawr, KD kept trying to match me up with Piggys lors. .___. Eeeeeee. Later we went to record something for Ruff to play during his shift tonight, and also to take pics and put up on the radio blog. After which, I met Iggy, my -cough- dearest -cough- cloney. Psshh, if I'm weird, then what are you? Heh. So yeah, I'm at home now, duh. .___. Will put up pics of both my room and the outing in the next post, yeah?
, 7:46 AM
PPFR outing later today. .____. So yeah, yesterday morning I went to play basketball with Pasonia. Gosh, I woke up at 7am okayy, in order to meet him at 8 at Tanah Nerah MRT. T.T We went to Tampines East CC, where I never go before, and it's very dangerous to play there 'cause the ball got high chance to roll onto the road der. But playing with him is fun luh. :D both of us the stamini like cmi der. -.- At least I trained abitabit today, by running suicide. But my suicide timing also increase ler. D: -screams- Then went home and mapled alotalot, and guess what? I trained 10%!~ -eye sparkle with excitement- Yesh, the slacker has finally decided to train with the last hour (or less) of yesterday's 2x exp. Thanks to AerialAim for bringing me to sotong there, and helping me look for slacking prz slot. :X Heh, so I leeched my 10% away. Andandand, the party I was in was soooo fun kayy! :D Is a maple couple lai der, then the girl is alot older than the guy, who is about my age like that. Then she keep saying we each others' type der, and stuff liddat. Lol, which kind of girl gives her dar away like that. Then later went to FM to slack, and gosh, having that pinkheart that shows you're married really helps to chase guys away. ^^ Sian luh, that ChilliDotDot. .___. ORH, AND I SAW AERI BEING LES IN THE FM, LMAO. I wasn't sure if it was her or not, so I didn't talk to her. T.T Only have one pic of slacking luh. :/ Lol, Aeri's friend I think, and my "tempo twin". o.o
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
, 4:28 PM
Heh, sneaking comp again now. xD RAWR, RICKY PAPA, I WANA SEE YOUR COPPER HAIR LORS. T.T Meh, sad luh, my mom dun lemme go watch so far away. :/ Gosh, last night talk on the phone until so shuang sia. First talked to papa, then later talked to Paso. And lol, talk about weird coincidence: when I was on the phone with Paso, Joseph msn-ed him to ask if he'd seen me online recently. ._______. 这么巧的么? Heh, PPFR outing on Thursday, and a meetup with Paso tomorrow. Whee. Suddenly, I have a lot of things to do.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
, 5:33 PM
KrazyLove was funfunfun! :D Teehee, nevermind daddie, you owe me a meal when I go train stamina with you kay. ^^ Gosh, Jon, I think you had fun playing with my bro, no? I think it's the first time some guy older than him has actually willingly played with him like that. And he wants me to invite you to my performance next year so he can talk to you again. .____. How much influence did you have over him, I wonder... Oh yeah, I'm pretty excited about my ballet performance next July. It's still so far away, but oh, I'm so excited already! :D Ms Tan said that she'd be giving us some easy dance, so we won't make a mess of it, and that's good. The costume's gona be some soft and flowy dress, but she's gona make it really short, apparently. She said it's gona be up to halfway of my thigh only. Eeeek. Hmm, at least it'd only gona be for a couple of minutes onstage, and yes people, it'd probably be the rare occassion you get to see me willingly wear a dress. Haha. Oh, my room's done! ^^ I'll upload pics of it someother day yeah, but its oh so bright and I love it! x3
Friday, December 5, 2008
, 1:44 PM
DADDIEE, NO EMO-ING. D: Meh. I'm really bored today. Maple is getting boring. I can't seem to write anything 'cause I ain't emo = can't channel emotions out. Oh, I didn't go out with him yesterday. Pretty much figured that he would cancel at the last minute, just like in the past. Don't worry my dear Paso, you'll get your chance to be my pretend white-knight-shining-armour someday, should I get a really persistent guy that I wana chase off. Alternatively, you can always go be her real one, teehee. -nudge- Rawr, daddie, don't bottle it all up inside kay. You bored then think so much then emo... last time I do the same you tell me don't emo then I listen to you, then now I telling you don't emo you go stone alone and emo. D: Eeeee.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
, 6:16 PM
Sorry Zethos, for being too lazy to meet you today kayy. :X I was happily playing my noob magician and training at pig beach on 2x exp. Kay, so nothing much happened today. I went for piano in the morning without my books, cause they're all in my mom's car. :X I forgot to take them out. Then reach home, the renovations going on, so dirty and dusty. So I went maple, 'cause I was bored. Didn't play pirate today. Only went to chiong magician abit on the 2x exp event. Orh, if anyone wants to add me, my IGNs are: 1] xBoiink (the magician) 2] xNICotiine (the pirate) See, all so similar der. (: Oh yeah, discovered something when I was playing today. You know that pig beach sometimes spawn iron hogs? Well, today, my channel (yeah, I had an empty one all to myself) got one. Then I can't kill what (magika was at SG, and bringing over might make me lose my cc due to time wasted), so very sian, hang on rope and alt+tab awhile. Realised that Joseph msn-ed me, so I chatted with him awhile, and told him about what happened in maple. Then I went back in. THE IRONHOG WAS GONE. ._______. How can a perfectly undamaged monster just disappear like that with no one else in my map? Thus, I conclude: Joseph scares away the ironhogs. :D Teehee. Refreshing concept. Heh.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
, 8:11 PM
Got tagged by Jun to do a quiz. Haha, this quiz seems fun. Now, no hard feelings whatsoever kay, dude? :X Dear (last person who left a comment on your blog).I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___.I think I realized it when ___2______3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory.You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___.___12___.Loves;-Your name-P/S: You are so lifeless, ___13___, 1] -The name of the person that tagged you- 2] What's the color of your shirt? Blue - Our romance is over Red - Our affair is over White- I'll join the monastery Black - I dislike you Green - Our horoscope doesn't match Grey - You're a pervert Yellow - I'm selling myself Pink - Your nostrils are insulting Brown - The mafia wants you No shirt - You're a loser Other - I'm in love with your sister 3] Which is your birth month? January - That night February - Last year March - When your dwarf bit me April - When I tripped on sesame seeds May - First of May June - When you put cuffs on me July - When I threw up August - When I saw the shrunken head September - When we skinny dipped October - When I quoted Santa November - When your dog ran amok December - When I changed tennis shoes 4] Which food do you prefer? Tacos - In your apartment Pizza - In your camping car Pasta - Outside of Chicago Hamburgers - Under the bus Salad - As you ate enchilada Chicken - In your closet Kebab - With Paris Hilton Fish - In women's clothing Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation Lasagna - At the mental hospital Hot dog - Under a state of trance None of the above - With George Bush and his wife 5] What's the color of your socks? Yellow - Hit on Red - Insult Black - Ignore Blue - Knock out Purple - Pour syrup on White - Carve your initials into Grey - Pull the clothes off Brown - Put leeches on Orange - Castrate Pink - Pull the toupee off Barefoot - Sit on Other - Drive out 6] What's the color of your underwear? Black - My best friend White - My father Grey - Bill Clinton Brown - My fart balloon Purple - My mustard soufflé Red - Donald Duck Blue - My avocado plant Yellow - My penpal in Ghana Orange - My Kid Rock-collection Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper None - My John F. Kennedy-statue Other - The crazy monk 7] What do you prefer to watch on TV? Scrubs - Man O.C. - Emotional One Tree Hill - Open Heroes - Frostbitten Lost - Scarred Simpsons - Cowardly The news - Mongolic American Idol - Masochistic Family Guy - Senile Top Model - Middle-class None of the above - Ashamed 8] Your mood right now? Happy - How awful I've felt Sad - How boring you are Bored - Santa doesn't exist Angry - That Sour pimples are at the last stage Depressed - That we're cousins Excited - That there is no solution to this Nervous - The middle-east Worried - That your Honda sucks Apathetic - That I did a sex-change Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men Overjoyous - That I'm open Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks 9] What's the color of your walls in your bedroom? White - Your ring Yellow - Your love letters Red - Your Darth Vader Black - Your tame stone Blue - The couch cushions Green - The pictures from LA Orange - Your false teeth Grey - our matching snoopy-bibs Purple - Your old lottery coupons Pink - The cut toenails Other - Your memories from the military service 10] The first letter of your first name? A/B - Your photo C/D - The oil stocks E/F - Your neighbour Martin G/H - My virginity I/J - The results of your blood-sample K/L - Your left ear M/N - Your suicide note O/P - My common sense Q/R - Your mom S/T - Your collection of butterflies U/V - Your criminal record W/X - David's tricot outfits Y/Z - Your grades from college 11] The last letter in your last name? A/B - Always will remember C/D - Never will forget E/F - Always wanted to break G/H - Never openly mocked I/J - Always have felt dirty before K/L - Will tell the authorities about M/N - Told in my confession today about O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about S/T - Get sick when I think of U/V - Always will try to forget W/X - Am better off without Y/Z - Never liked 12] What do you prefer to drink? Water- Our friendship Beer - Senility Soft drink - A new life as a clone Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo Milk - The apartment building Wine - Cocaine abuse Cider - A passionate interest for mice Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations Mineral water - Embarrassing rash Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism Whisky - To ruin the second world war Other - To hate the Boston Celtics 13] Which country would you prefer to go on a vacation? Thailand - Warm regards USA - Best regards England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail Spain - Go and drown yourself China - Disgusting regards Germany - With ease Japan - Go burn Greece - Your everlasting enemy Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard Egypt - Fuck off now France - In pain Other - Greetings to your freaky family 14] What is your favorite activities when hanging out with mates? Gathering for drinks - Ugly pig Foosball - Silly duck Shopping - French kisser Dulging for food - Cranky banana Movies - Smelly armpits Snacks - Horny wolf Snooker - Tiny nipples Bowling - Sexy grandmother Outdoor activities - Vain pot Having a long talk - Nose plucker Taking pictures - Dumb bitch Other - Burn yourself Teehee. Here we go.~ Dear Junxian, I don't really know how to tell you this, but our romance is over (lol, wth). I think I realized it when I saw the shrunken head at the mental hospital and I saw you castrate manchester united's goalkeeper (rofl, mama and didi will kill me for typing this).I'm sure you're ashamed enough to understand that we're cousins (we are?). I'm returning your love letters to you, but I'll keep your suicide note as a memory. You should know that I always have felt dirty before (gosh, no way have I felt dirty before!) our friendship.Good luck on your short term leave from jail.Loves, Nicole. P/S: You are so lifeless, vainpot (heh, vainpot is actually reserved for one of my maple kors, hmm), Jun.LOL. Fun, eh? Time to pass it on... I tag... 1] Ricky papa. I don't care if you insult huili jiejie anot, still must do. xD 2] Joseph. Heh, my turn to tag you for a quiz. :P 3] Andrew. Don't be bored. :X 4] Can't tag KC didi ler... so, anyone esle who wants to do, just go do.
, 6:39 PM
Thanks zaon for helping me clear up the annoying "antivirus'. (: And sorry for suanning you about your height, but I seldom get to do that, seeing that I'm so short. xD Mhmm, anyway, did nothing much today, 'cept put all my stuff back onto the shelves and cycled down to East Coast to rig my sail and all. I repaired the house internet! Whee! Normally after it gets disassembled, it takes a week or so to get it up and running, but I got it done in less than 10mins. .___. Gosh, the wonders of being alone in the house, having nothing to do... And he asked me to go meet him tomorrow. ._____. I don't know if I should. He apologised for hurting me, and that's good, but still, the air of paisehness will be around. Gosh, should I go anot? :X
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
, 4:20 PM
Oh gosh, daddie, I feel so honoured that you keep my PIG with you at all times. Awww. The cute lil' piggy will bring you VICTORY for your SAFFC trial kayy! Teehee. Have faith in yourself, papa. (: -nuer hugs daddie- Teehee.
, 10:43 AM
Whee, I have a new bestie. .____. Wow, I didn't know it could happen after I just said in my previous blogpost that I currently don't have one. I've never had a bestie who's three years older than me, so I suppose it would be an interesting experience. Well, sorta, anyway. Chief's pretty fun, heh. And yes, a new blogsong. :D It's Pain by Three Days Grace. There's one line that goes "Anger, and Agony, are better than misery". LOL, it's like they're telling you that it's better to cut your wrists and go shout at people for nothing when you're miserable. But don't go do that, please. Hmm, it's pretty fun to go stay at my aunt's house. They all are going to Bintan today, like I said in my previous post, and I can eat breakfast and play lappy and do whatever I want all at once. And gosh, I didn't know I had another cousin. .___. he's about the same age as me I guess, and he's here playing his PSP now. Good entertainment for my bro. -screams- My nephew got annoying after the first two hours. And bringing him around WhiteSands shopping mall is hell. ==" Argh, now he's whacking the sofa with his plastic golf club. Someone save me, please.
Monday, December 1, 2008
, 8:59 PM
I'm staying at my aunt's house tonight, and their entire family is leaving for Bintan tomorrow, for holiday. Gosh, this means I'll be stuck alone in their house for the whole day tomorrow. Is that a good thing? Yeah well, at least I have two lappys to play with: mine and my cousin's. Teehee. I just realised something: small kids these days are becoming more and more vulgar. My 4-year-old nephew uses "Oh my god" in practically every single sentence, and scolds in chinese/hokkien for almost everything he doesn't get. My 4-year-old godbro knows a whole string of profanities, with his favourite being the F word, which he uses on a daily basis. What is the world becoming? And I just realised that I got tagged for a quiz by Joseph, and I didn't notice until today. Eeek. So this post shall be long, cause ima do two quizzes from his blog. :D -- Quiz one. 1. Do you have secrets? Why wouldn't I have? 2. Would you fall in love with someone younger than you? I hope I won't, cause it'd be pretty weird. 3. Do you enjoy going to school? Well, honestly, most of my writing was done during lessons. I have absolutely no interest in boring, unimportant lessons that won't have any use for me in the future. 4. What would you do with a million dollars? Buy the stuff that I urgently need/want, and save the rest. I can't possibly spend it all in one day, can I? 5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? Depends. They say that many people do, and if he's my type, why not? He'd know me well enough by then. 6. Which is more blessed: loving someone, or being loved by someone? Is it too much to ask for both? Unrequited love is painful, and it hurts a lot emotionally. But of cause, if someone loves you until he gets obsessed, that ain't good. 7. Who do you idolise? Thou shalt not have an idol before me. (: 8. If the person you secretly like is attached, what will you do? I don't know? Emo? Cry? Hmm, but it takes a great deal for me to like someone, as in, really like-like. 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? Extremely? Hmm, I can't remember, actually. 10. Do you have any regrets? Have you read my fanfic called Regrets? Understatement of the century. It's just one of my most major regrets though, I have a lot more where that came from. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? Somehow, it's clouded. Let's just take each day as it comes, kay? :D 12. Who are currently the most important people to you? My family, my "family", my friends. You all. (: 13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Hmm, a pretty nice guy once you get to know him, and he's someone who shares my impatience and whose writing niche area is the complete opposite of mine. :D Emo ftw. 14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor? Married but poor. I ain't a miser, and at least I have someone to be with through all the tough times. 15. What is your favourite colour? YELLOW. Gosh, how many times must I repeat this? 16. Would you give your all in a relationship? It's either all or nothing, and nothing would make it completely pointless. 17. What would you do if someone whom you hate ask for your forgiveness? Depends on his/her sincerity. I'd brush it off then, and don't mind it unless they do something that makes me hate them again, since it takes quite a lot for me to hate someone. 18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done? It all depends, really, on a lot of factors, such as my mood that day, the amount of sincerity the person has, and what did he/she do in the first place. 19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship? Single for now, but if it's supposed to happen, it will. 20. 6 people to tag: Ricky papa, Junxian, Bakamono Kor, Chenwei, KC didi, Arnold. -- Quiz two. Ten things you probably know about me: NUMBERONE: I write emo maple fanfictions, and some non-maple emo fics too. But I can't pen action scenes. Whee, the opposite of Joseph. NUMBERTWO: I like yellow, and all brightbright colours. :D NUMBERTHREE: I like to poke people. Alot. -smiles innocently- NUMBERFOUR: My maple friends live all over Singapore, and even extend over the causeway. Yulong never ceases to point it out to people. Yes, I'm VERY sociable. Teehee. NUMBERFIVE: I regret taking up Japanese, and it's seen by my constant ponning of lessons. NUMBERSIX: Most of my friends are guys. ._____. Good insight into the minds of the opposite gender, I suppose. Well yes, this does mean that I pretty much understand what they look for in girls. -shrugs- NUMBERSEVEN: I got alot of CIP hours this year, the highest for the whole level in DHS. Teehee. I get paid for my CIP too! (: NUMBEREIGHT: I hate wearing skirts and dresses. They are just so.... impractical? :D NUMBERNINE: I'm going to VJC for IP next year. Buhbye DHS, I'll come back to visit though. :X NUMBERTEN: I are basketballer. Teehee. Kay, ten things you DON'T know about me (or at least, I hope you don't, or it'd totally defeat the purpose of this): NUMBERONE: I used to love to wear dresses and skirts and I hated wearing shorts. My favourite dress was this purple Winnie the Pooh one, and I still have it till this day. Almost all the pics of me when I was little show me in various dresses. Gosh. .____. Hard to believe, no? NUMBERTWO: My favourite colours were purple and pink when I first started primary school. Then, after my bestie introduced me to Power Rangers, it become yellow, cause I was captivated by the bright colour in the show. Lol. NUMBERTHREE: I used to love watching Barney. Once, when one of the CDs couldn't play, and my dad said it was dirty, I went to wash it in the sink, and it got spoilt. So I cried and cried and cried till everyone in my house panicked and they called my mom, who was in New Zealand at that point in time, and told her to buy more Barney CDs home for me. :X Embarassing revelation. NUMBERFOUR: Majorities of my besties have been guys. 1) In kindergarten, it was either Justin or Toby, with all the pokemon and the make-belief stuffs and all. 2) In my first four years of primary school, it was Nigel, and yes, the power rangers and the neopets and the random phone calls when he migrated. 3) Next two years I had Cheryl, who persuaded me to apply DSA to DHS with her. She didn't make it, and I did, so I just went. Rawr, it all replayed again this year, when I already agreed with Isaac at the end of P6 to apply for VJC. I made it through, he didn't. Gosh, Dejavu. 4) Sec1 was Yongming, then we sorta drifted apart in sec2. Can't remember why. :X Hmm, yes, I'm pretty much lacking a bestie now, and my own normal group of friends that I hang out with. It has both its downsides and its perks, I suppose. NUMBERFIVE: My bed is covered with softtoys. I have at least 10 of them, and I still want more. I hug a different one to sleep each night, and I even have problems deciding which one to hug, cause I don't wana pick favourites. Yes, I'm weird, but hey, I like it like that. NUMBERSIX: I'm redesigning my room, and it's now going to be filled with alot of childish stuff, like a giant pencil to hang my bags, a yellow side table to do my work, bright-coloured ikea shelves, and not to forget, an ADORABLE chair in the shape of a teddybear, with its arms as the armrests and all. Awwwww, so cute, but oh so expensive. NUMBERSEVEN: I have a hidden personality. Well yes, to most people I appear to be the tomboyish, playing-it-cool, and hard-to-get one, but well, underneath that is just a little girl with a fetish for all things cute and simply adorable. Teehee. Well yes, someone has said that I'm actually pretty sweet and caring, so don't faint/throw up or whatever. Technically, it is a more vulnerable side, so to get through, one has to prove his/her worth. Hmm, so probably, my future boyfriend/my close friends ("family" included, kayy) will be the only ones who get to experience it firsthand. I think I'm beginning to display a lot of the "solitary-emo-crying-alot-and-needs-comforting-and-reassurance" bit though. .___. NUMBEREIGHT: Well, I think some people already know this, but I still do ballet. .____. No, I don't dance in a tutu, I dance in a leotard, with a nice chiffon skirt. (: Oh, so soft and fluffy. Haha. NUMBERNINE: I was somewhat suicidal a week ago, even though it wasn't that obvious. No, relax peoples, I didn't cut my wrists or something, I just harboured these thoughts, and luckily, I had a little bit of counselling before things spiralled out of control. NUMBERTEN: Somehow, I just feel like I'm not loved. .____. I don't know, really, why I feel this way. No, I'm not despo for a boyfriend. It's just that, well, like my family's been too preoccupied by other stuffs, and I'm being neglected in some way. Maybe it's just me, and my weird way of perceiving stuff.
Yours Truly.
The girl's name is Nicole, or simply Nic for short. She enjoys writing fanfiction and playing basketball, and was born on 06/08/1994.
She currently terrorises the school known as VICTORIA JC, of which she belongs to the VIP, after having wrecked enough havoc in her first six schooling years in Taonan and her subsequent two years in Dunman High.
Her known haunts include the IGLOO, where, being a CT Councillor, she gets to use the foosball table for free. Challenge her ANYTIME you see her there, she'll play with you for sure. :D
She can be really cheerful and hyper and go around poking you nonstop, or she can also be an emo kid, stoning in a corner and channelling her sorrows out in her angsty writings.
Her mood fluctuates wildly, so it is advised not to irk her at all costs.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the above profile.
Want a cookie? ^^
1) ARNOLD: you owe me Valentines' Day (for next year) and Birthday presents! :D
Keep Wishing.
I ain't materialistic. I'm simply idealistic.
`Be able to spend more time with you.
`Happiness. Both yours and mine.
`Prove to myself that everything I stand by and believe in isn't freaking unrealistic and impossible.
`To find my true calling and purpose in life.
`To smile and really, really, smile.
Occupy the Silence.
Feed Me.