Tuesday, January 27, 2009
, 8:17 PM
Okay, a somewhat proper post today! HAHA. :D Got pictures kay, so yeah. Yep, so went around visiting peoples today. Didn't visit as many as last year, so didn't get as many hongbao lors. D: Aiyo, I'm not money minded kay, just keeping my mind open about the ECONOMIC RECESSION! HAHA. Mhmm, nothing much to post about actually. I'm quite looking forward to school tomorrow. Miss playing bridge and hearts, cause no one in my family knows how to! D:  You know, I tossed yusheng 3 DAYS IN A ROW OKAY! So sian! D: So yeah, I chose to take pic instead of tossing again. :P GIANT COOKIE ISH LOVEEE!~ x3 Nah, it's just my TEDDYBEAR CHAIR! Cute, right! :D Yeah, a small bit of my room. xD Family photo taken today! Gosh, I look weird kay. .___. New style of clothes for a new year, heh. :P A half-a-generation photo (plus two 3rd generation kids)! :D See, my cousin sitting with his legs apart is proudly proclaiming that he's the only man there. .___. Anyone watched that movie 881? Remember xiao mugua? Or watched 12Lotus? Yeah, she's my cousin, yep. (: Surprised us all by suddenly turning up for the somewhat of a family celebration at my house two nights ago. Do we look alike? .__. Cause during that period of time when all her posters were plasted at cinemas, my friends would always put me next to them and compare us whenever I went to watch movies.
, 10:08 AM
Yeah, I know, I know. I haven't posted blog recently cause I've been too lazy. I'll post a proper post either later today or tomorrow, yep! :D But first, a little something I took from Jun's blog...
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! | Being Alone | | Disappointment | | Looked down on | | Death | | Where Your life is Going | | Commitment | | http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_is_your_true_fear">What is your True Fear? http://www.gotoquiz.com/">Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Oh, so true.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
, 7:50 PM
First up: THANKYOU WENJI FOR THE FREE ICECREAM AND TAXI RIDE HOME KAY! :D HAHA. Alot of people in class are into the bridge craze, now, especially WeeQin and Rachel, after they learnt how to play! Obviously we were playing it in class before morning assembly. (: Andandandandand, rawr, since when am I ditsy? D: Which teacher feedbacked to Ms Sandhya that I was ditsy at Alexandra Hospital yesterday? I was quite down okay! D: That place holds that stupid memory there. Kay, went to Microsoft today for the changing context thingy, but I wish I went to some other place. It was quite boring, seeing that all they talked about was pretty much just stuff to promote themselves. The office is like, on the 22nd floor in the CBD area (gosh, the incredibly high rent=those rich freaks), and the lift moves so fast, like a floor in a second. You can't feel it moving, but you can feel the air pressure. :/ Oh, but the colours of the sofas are awesome! They come in red, green, yellow and blue, and they're the microsoft office themed colours! Talk about eye candy. :D Inside the innovation room, I saw an Apple operating thingy hidden at the back of the room. Gosh, the irony. We were the first to leave school this morning yeah (8.15am leh!), so naturally, we were the first to return. Had a supersuper long lunch yepp, and waited for the people with cards to come back. What for? Yep, you guess it. To play bridge... again. After that was the sharing and consolidation. The groups that went to the New Majestic Hotel sure had fun. Nude male statue in the lobby, emo sofa hidden at the staircase, the bathtub in the middle of the room in plain view of all its occupants by being surrounded by nothing but clear glass... You get the idea of the laughter that circulated the room then. .___. After it all, all of us chinese-language-studying people went to LT5 for some chinese thingy, and argh! Why do we have chinese homework! T.T -stares at book that I'm supposed to be reading- Naturally, we headed back to class after the briefing to play bridge, while everyone else zao and went home. :D By we, I mean me, Sabrina, Rachel, Sihui, Wenji and Jerrell. So we played till like, 4.30. .___. Whee. Then when we were all gona take bus 31 home, Wenji suddenly said he wanted to take cab, and since him, Rachel, Jerrell and me all live at tanahmerah, we pangseh-ed Sihui and tonpang the cab for free! :D Sabrina left with her friends, rawr. Andandand, the cab uncle is this oldold lao ahpek right, but halfway through the journey, we heard WOMANIZER playing on the radio! Wah, the uncle actually very hip hor! On the way, Wenji volunteered to treat us all to icecream, and Nicole NEVAH says no to free icecream, right?! :D Heh, I'm shameless when it comes to free icecream. ^^ Got walked home again today. And now, a collection of random pics! (:  Chocolate fondue at my godpa's house on New Year's Eve.  Fancy New Year's dinner at Lei Garden with extended family. What's inside, hmm?  Oh, it's shark's fin. Really. I didn't eat mine. :X Not a drop, I tell you.  Okay, I know it's the wrong side up, but these words are printed on some children's playmat. Booby Kid Cup. Gosh, what are they teaching kids nowadays...  The tower of pens @ bible study! Haha! Lindy's hand so extra, get in the way of the pic. D:  Canwhoring in class, lol. 0, 1, 2, 3? Random much?  Oh, I like this pic, I like it alot. :D I look nice in here. Haha!  I say a OHNINEVEEONETHREEEEE! :D  Look into the mirror, and what do you see?  Lawl, all the funny faces. .__.
 I feel so short here. T.T Ah well. Nvm, Jolene, make you feel better abit. :D Kay, that's all for today I suppose. Chocolate fountain @ VJC canteen by 09v13 on FRIDAY! <3
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
, 7:39 PM
Yay for 2 days straight class lunches. .___. Yesterday went to PastaMania @ Parkway Parade for lunch, and we met 09v11 having class lunch too, but at KFC! :D Gosh, but yesterday's lunch really burnt a hugehuge hole out of my pocket. T.T Took bus home with some of them, yep, and thanks Jerrell for walking me home. Haha. :D Good exercise right. Today we went to Alexandra Hospital for changing context today, and well, that place holds that one pathetic, stupid, bad memory for me. Had to go into the emergency room again, and I teared. Well duh, I didn't cry, tearing is bad enough. Afterwards, we went for lunch at Macs @ Changi Airport T3! Haha! Weird place right? But well, we're a weird class. :P Played cards and Truth or Dare at the wide open space at T3 before going home at about 4. Thanks Jerrell for walking me home, again. .__. Jolene is quite funny. She kept going on and on about having a track meet on valentine's day/her birthday, but when me and Sabrina said we don't mind spending the day with her, she goes: "oh, nevermind larh, you guys can go out with your whoevers." Then, she continues on with the ranting. Lawl. Learnt some stuff about some people in class today. -hinthint- HAHA.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
, 8:21 PM
Omg, I actually willingly went clothes shopping today. .___. Will elaborate more on that later. My bro skipped church today, cause apparently, he had alot of undone homework. Not fair, when I got alot of homework, my mom never lets me pon church. D: Hmph. But today was quite boring larhs, the sermon. Celebrated Rachel's birthday at kaleo today. We had a big, talltall cake from Secret Recipe and a homemade brownie cake made by Sharyn! I so have to learn from her how to bake someday... :D Then went to Plaza Sing with my mom to shop for newyear clothes, yep, and ohmagawd, I actually didn't mind going around looking at clothes today. .__. There are still alotalot of clothes I wana buy, but then, they're not worth it (according to my mom), and she said that after CNY, I can go shopping for my own clothes, using my own money, if I want. She prob doesn't mind cause there are gona be loadsa sales during that time, but gosh, today's the first time she actually didn't criticise my choice of clothes. Perfect example would be: at Parkway Parade a weekend ago, I wanted black OP shorts, but she refused to buy them for me cause she said they were too short. Then, today, I saw a pair of jeanshorts at MissWhatever, and I asked if I could get them, and she said yes. And they're definitely shorter than the OP shorts. .__. That's probably why so many things caught my eye today yeah. After that, went for ballet, and oh gosh, I so love the free movement dance study and the grande allegro! :D Can't wait for the concert later this year. -excited edi- Mhmm, that's about it. .__. Talked to Nic on the phone for close to 2 hours again last night. That was after I didn't sms him for 2 days, and he complained. Lawl, he did ask me to give him space, so I did. But too much? Lol. .___.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
, 1:56 PM
Chill kay, sher. Don't think too much. Just let it all out. It helps. I'm like watching a saddening replay again, but this time, it's not happening to me. But I can't help but remember now. I miss your voice already. I know what we both want, but somehow, something's just killing me slowly from the inside.
Friday, January 16, 2009
, 8:57 PM
 Nice. :D I like my personality type, and my multiple intelligence thingy. Haha.
, 7:27 PM
I've got the hiccups now! D: So annoying. So today was first tie day at VJC, and cool, we can just take off our ties in the parade square after morning assembly! :D Lalala, so continued with the redesigning thingy, and we interviewed some of the o7v13 seniors! They're a fun bunch, yepp, and one of them keeps trying to psycho me to join sailing. .__. During first break, I went to the basketball court to watch some of the guys play bball, and ended up randomly playing with another ball in my uniform. Lucky I didn't get caught yep. (: After school had some briefing about the IT platform, then went back to DHS to looklook! Turned out that there was the basketball trials today, and I think that this year, got a lot of sec1s joining! Whoo! Played alotalot of basketball today, and I'm pretty tired now, rawr. Sianned, I have another blister from today. :/ More pain now. T.T Ahh, so many people trying to psycho me to join their CCAs... I don't know what to pick now, really!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
, 9:14 PM
Ah, I like my new school uniform. :D Haha. Today I couldn't find the classroom in the morning, so I just anyhow walkwalk here and there and ended up getting there cause I saw some people walking in PE shirts at the other block, and decided to go looklook. Then, I realised that I didn't wear my collar badge. Rawr, so ps. Lucky that Gareth brought his extra one, so thanks a bunch dude. (: No lessons today; they only start in week 6. Teehee. :D But for the next 10 days, we have to do some redesigning classroom thingy. Sounds boring, considering that they'll only put the plans into effect at the end of the year for next year's batch of IP1s. D:
Thenthenthen, supposed to go for 3rd lang today yep, but I ponned (as usual)! Went to watch teammies play B div basketball match at Anglican High today, and yay, they won! :D The score was really really low yeah, but no one really cares, cause they won! :D
After the match, I had alot of time to burn cause I couldn't exactly get home so early yep, so went to eat at SB with Rae, Nana, and AhMei. Of course, with Jingmei there sure camwhore der, so yeah, got pics! Butbutbut, I'll only post those that don't make me look totally unglam! :X
Me, Rae, JingMei. Waiting for our dinner to come. :D
After dinner, we had MILO DINOSAUR! Gosh, this one has whipped cream too!
Testing out the self-timer on JingMei's camera. The black wallet there is so extra right.
I look like I just cried. .___. That's me without spectacles on, haha! Kay, look at that round red/pinky thingy on my left elbow there. That's the scrape from playing basketball with the guys yesterday. It still hurts badly. And then, see my eyebags. T.T That's from talking to Nic on the phone from 10plus to past midnight last night. Yeah, I deprived myself of sleep, but it was pretty worth it. (:
Rae, me, Nana. Waiting for Rae's mom to come pick us all up. :P I've still got alot more pics where those came from, but I don't wana upload them! :D Ahahahaha. Nicole is pretty high today, from last night's phone convo. Teehee.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
, 8:58 PM
WHOO, NICOLE LOVES VJC IPO!~ x333 It's been so fun these two days, and so many stuff happened, so im too lazy to blog all about it! Haha! :D Ytd O lvl results were out yeah. Grats to those who did well, and to those who didn't then cheer up kay? :x Nicole been's feeling really super super high for the past two nights, though she wish she could've gotten more sleep last night, rawr. But she ain't complaining, cause she stayed up for somewhat of a good cause. Butbutbut, now she's so darn confused. She wants to clear it all up later tonight... hopefully... Do you still love her? Or are you just leading her on again, on a sadistic replay of what happened so many times before. If so, you'll just reinforce her mindset that she's just been some idiot who keeps falling for the same thing over and over. Nicole doesn't want that. She still loves you, for who you are, not what you score or where you go to study. Believe that. Lift your head high, you still have a face to show the world.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
, 7:58 PM
WHOOO, SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW~ Haha, Nicole is excited bout school, yep, what a first! :D She likes her new uniform, and the PE shirt is YELLOW!~ Teehee. Hope all those collecting O level results tomorrow can sleep well tonight yeah. :X -dontcomevjccheddardontcomevjccheddar- lawl. Anyone understand what I just said up there? .___.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
, 5:13 PM
Yes yulong, I have a lot of friends from all over Singapore. And from Malaysia too. :D It's a fact you love to repeat, I know. Hmm, today was a pretty sian day. I know a lot of people went for Poly open houses today, and alot of them were talking about it in church yesterday... so yeah... Gosh, school starts in only 2 more days. I'm looking forward to it, yeah. Wow, big surprise. The slacker's looking forward to school. .____. Oh, O level results are also out in 2 more days, yep. Skateboarded to ECP again today, where Uncle Francis made me board a few rounds for him and the other adults to see and complain about their inability to balance on the board. Ah well. That's about it. And I just comprehended the extent of my bro's untidy handwriting. I had to rewrite all his CCA choices and stuff for him today.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
, 9:09 PM
Today was first day of third lang! :D And as usual, my mom KPs me the moment I switch on the comp at night. Eff her larhs. Met Jolene at about 2pm at Bishan MRT there, and we waited for the others to come. Met Marcus there, but oh gosh, I actually didn't recognise him! Maybe it's due to the fact that he's wearing the lower sec shorts larhs, and I actually thought he got retained or something, lawl. First thing he sees me, he asks me for a basketball. What, think I carry one everywhere with me? -.- Then had lunch with the 3rd lang peoples from my VJ class yepp, and got to know them abit. Jasmon and Gladys went with me to Japanese later, while Jolene, Weeqin, Rachel, and Gerontius went for French. Rawr, the class is scary kay, with all the imba RGS people there that can speak jap so fluently and hold private conversations with the teacher while we just sit there, stone, and go "har?". After lesson I took MRT home myself lors, cause the other two Jap-ers taking bus to haogang. Stoned in MRT, haha, and would've died of boredom if Chenwei didn't sms me through the ride. Mmkay, that's about it. Crap, she just came and KP-ed me again, though I tried to stick to the "minimal conversation" thing.
, 12:31 PM
New Song! Haha. It's gona be a bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day~ I know it's an old song, but yeah, after hearing it again when I watched Igor that time, I just couldn't get it outta my mind. If only life were as easy as that though. Just argued with my mom last night. About what? Oh, nothing, just about how I like to go around doing my stuff and how she wants me to do it her way. Stupid arguement, I know. What's worse, this morning, she just called me twice in a row, within a minute of both calls, just to pick a fight with me about who I'm going third lang with. Damn wtf. Yeah, I know she bloody hell doesn't trust me, and somehow, I don't really give a damn about it. I await the day I can rub into her face that she never knew me at all. Don't tell me to talk to her, cause talking to her will only make us argue more. Everything all started when my dad passed away 2 years ago. Yeah, long time to keep argueing, but it happens. Not my problem that my way of handling matters varies greatly from yours. Not happy, go find another daughter. I can always just disappear off the face of this world with a -poof- and hardly anyone would know why.
Monday, January 5, 2009
, 2:12 PM
Yeah, I know I havent posted for a few days kay. I have no actual reason for doing so, seeing that I haven't started school yet, but I've just been too lazy. Haha. I would be in maple now, except that the network maintainence hasn't ended yet. Rawr. Past few days I've been talking to Ricky papa on the phone for alotalot of hours at night. Hahaha. Very fun kay. One night can be hyper night, then another night can be emo night. Like last night lol. :X Oh, over the weekend I've picked up two new books on my last visit to the bookshop. One of them is called Mercy, by Jodi Picoult. Now, that author, along with Nicholas Sparks, writes awesome stuff and grapples with all the themes of love, mercy, hope, and other controvesial stuff that make you really question which side of the story you will take and stand by. Mercy was simply remarkable, touching me like none of the others have done before. Not saying the others weren't as good; it's just that it's a more personal striking thing. Though the theme of going through court trials and everything is just so repetitive in all her novels, it's all so different. Yes, she inspires my writing so much. Cliches that actually don't seem like cliches.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
, 4:51 PM
HAPPY (BELATED) NEW YEAR TO ALL! :D Must say, I spent the last few days of 2008 on a night-time-somewhat-celebrating-spree. 30th dec: Went to have dinner with the whole extended family, and met one of my cousin's bf for the first time. He was from VJC too. Interesting guy, I must admit. He's training to be a teacher. The dinner was darn expensive, but the desserts... oh gosh, 3 rounds of dessert, and they were AWESOME! -eye sparkle- Hy said that if my eyes sparkle anymore, diamonds will fall from them, but haha, I don't care. Diamonds can sell for alot of money, no? (: 31th dec: Went to Aunty Vivian's house for the first party. There, I first learnt how to balance on the ripstick, and learnt how to move... a tiny bit. Talk about sending off 2008 in style. Can't believe that Apologise is the number one song in Singapore for 2008. I'm Yours is only 18 (around there)! T.T Then later, went over to Uncle James's house for the 2nd party. Ended up playing twister with all the sailing peeps, and had to sing karaoke for the last bit of 2008 cause my mom wanted to hear me sing. Not my prob that you pangseh me on the cruise. -.- Today: Went to East Coast to try and hunt for the ripstick. Oh yeah, the ripstick's just a skateboard, with 2 wheels and a metal bar in the middle. Hard to balance at first, but once you get the hang of it, boy, it rawks. :D Now, that's spending the first day of the new year in fun and style. Ended up mastering it (somewhat) by riding it all the way home, through the underpass and all. I would so go out and play it now, if it weren't raining, yeah. School starts tomorrow for everyone else. Mine starts on the 12th. Hahahahahaha. -suans- Jun, have fun in your first day of sec school tomorrow, yeah? For everyone else, just go have fun/heck care what the teachers say. It's the first day of school no? :D
Yours Truly.
The girl's name is Nicole, or simply Nic for short. She enjoys writing fanfiction and playing basketball, and was born on 06/08/1994.
She currently terrorises the school known as VICTORIA JC, of which she belongs to the VIP, after having wrecked enough havoc in her first six schooling years in Taonan and her subsequent two years in Dunman High.
Her known haunts include the IGLOO, where, being a CT Councillor, she gets to use the foosball table for free. Challenge her ANYTIME you see her there, she'll play with you for sure. :D
She can be really cheerful and hyper and go around poking you nonstop, or she can also be an emo kid, stoning in a corner and channelling her sorrows out in her angsty writings.
Her mood fluctuates wildly, so it is advised not to irk her at all costs.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the above profile.
Want a cookie? ^^
1) ARNOLD: you owe me Valentines' Day (for next year) and Birthday presents! :D
Keep Wishing.
I ain't materialistic. I'm simply idealistic.
`Be able to spend more time with you.
`Happiness. Both yours and mine.
`Prove to myself that everything I stand by and believe in isn't freaking unrealistic and impossible.
`To find my true calling and purpose in life.
`To smile and really, really, smile.
Occupy the Silence.
Feed Me.