Wednesday, February 25, 2009
, 5:27 PM
OHMAGAWD. CT Council is scary. .__. There's this scary tension there, especially if you're late and it's your first meeting and you're all very blur. Like all the IP1 ct councillors today. Pffft. Today was quite boring, hmm. OH, during maths, Mr Woo(!) let us play this game using the logarithm formula thingy! Heng arh, I never get called to play. :P Andandand, I almost fell asleep in Bio! When Ms Chua was talking about the Pahang trip the seniors had last year, and about the leeches, I was awake and laughing and all, butbutbut, when she got back to the story of the mRNA, rER, and all that, I just really felt like dozing off! :X Meh, I think it helps to have learnt it in DHS. I think I learnt that all in sec1 though... Wah, DHS so accelerated meh. Had a briefing on the VIP challenge to Bintan after school, and it dragged quite abit, hmm, cause we had a lot of questions and all. Then when I was like, about to go home, YW comes and tells me that there's CT Council meeting today and that we're late. .___. All the IP1 ct reps all duno, so we all sat at the back of the LT (cause we were all late), and stoned and stunned at the powerpoints and all. Bleah. Rawr, the tension is scary larh, seriously. At least tomorrow's HBL day! Can stay at home and slack. Might be going out shopping, hmm, so TESSTESS AND JOJO, get back to me ASAP so we can PLAN! :DDDD Rawr, so much to do, so little time.
Monday, February 23, 2009
, 5:45 PM
My blog is somewhat dead, I know. But I've just been too lazy to update after blogger screwed up my image uploading last week. Rawr. I'm going to have a try of VJC basketball training tomorrow afternoon. That's what happens when you have teh teacher-in-charge constantly walk/slack with you during PE and talk with you as well. You end up getting psycho-ed. Ah heck, why not. Sailing doesn't start till April anyway. I think I'm about managing to psycho Jolene to join sailing, so heh. Signed up for 800m run, hmm. I hope I can win something again for that event. Didn't bother about 1500m, cause I think there are imba cross peoples already taking part in that event, so yeah. How I wish I didn't bother trying for Drama SYF. Too late to regret now though, argh. Rawr, another maths assignment thingy to do. Arnold, or anyone else, pleaaaase help? :/ Sheesh. My biggest fear is overcommitment. But not like I get to rest at home and all. I feel more at ease in school than at home, seriously. Can't she give me a break? Don't have to bloody hell nag every night and kp me when I know what I'm doing and she says she knows I obviously don't. You want us to work with you? Sure, stop treating me like a kid. I don't deserve to be hounded day and night like that. I have my own pace, just that it doesn't match yours. She doesn't trust me. Frankly, I don't give a damn. Just you wait, I'll show you, show you that you never knew me at all.
Monday, February 16, 2009
, 6:24 PM
OHMAGAWDOHMAGAWDOHMAGAWD I GOT INTO CT COUNCIL! :DDDD Last night, I couldn't sleep. Probably because of a lot of factors luh, but I think it was just insomnia. But then, I was very worried kay. :/ Cool down kay. It was practically power-napping last night, sleeping for 10mins or so, then waking up, then sleeping again, waking again... it repeats. When I finally managed to sleep at 3am, I got woken at precisely 5.55am cause Ms Sandhya sms-ed me to tell me that she's on MC again today. After that, I couldn't get back to sleep. Stoned till 6.30am, then I went to wash up and get ready for school. The whole of today, I was unwell luh, both physically and somewhat emotionally. Since Ms Sandhya had 3 periods of LA today and she didnt come to school, they became free periods. So essentially, adding on the 2 original free periods and the 2 other periods from IH Options, that was hell long of a break. Went to hand in the VIP challenge stuffs to Mr Ng again today, and I asked him to help me check if I made it to CT Council cause everyone else knows but me. :X So yeah, he came back out of the staffroom, after going in to ask, with a box of goodies and asked me and TessTess to pick one each, and congratulated me on making it. HAHA. AWESOME. :D The v13 PSLs gave us a box of candies each, and I had fun kop-ing from alot of peoples. ^^ I'm shameless when it comes to candies. Teehee. Tried to make use of the break to sleep, but I just couldn't. Sure, I was lying on the couch and eyes shut and all, but subconsciously, I was just awake. My mind just didn't wana rest. Sorta dozed off abit during Maths today, but it was okay, cause I learnt indices before in DHS! :D Didn't do PE today cause I've got the flu and sniffles and all, and it wasn't that bad to slack at the side and talk to Ms. Tan abit. I bet people must be wondering why both of us can talk until so happy and why she keep like "patting my head" though we supposedly only should have known each other for like, a couple of weeks. HAHA. Ima go join a session of basketball training once I've recovered, yep. I wana see how's training like, hmm. After dismissal, went to icecream chefs with Sab, Jerrell, and Abdullah to eat ICECREAMM! I always eat icecream when I'm kinda down or when I sorta wana drown myself in sweetness to avoid sorrow. :/ Rachel joined us later, and when she came, I left to go home. HAHA. I really needa repay my sleep debt luh, if I ever wana focus on writing again. T.T ANDANDAND, THANKYOU JUNWEI GRANDMA FOR THE TEDDYBEAR AND THE FLOWERR! HAHA. :D
Saturday, February 14, 2009
, 9:55 PM
Breaking is really what the heart's for. Screw Valentines' Day. 'Nuff said.
, 1:48 PM
HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY TO ALL!~ :D AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOLENE! ^^ Yeah, I know been awhile since I last posted. I've been kinda busy this week, yeah. First weeks of lessons are now over, yep, and I must say, I'm pretty looking forward to lessons this year. They seem so much more interesting than lessons in DHS, haha. Yesterday was quite fun, yep. Gave Samuel a lift to school cause we saw him walking when we were leaving the house. Of all days, it was an awesome day to give a lift, cause I was carrying the balloons for peeps, and he helped me carry! HAHA. Gave Grandma Junwei a balloon too, and apparently he dunwan show people the balloon cause he too paiseh edi! Teehee. (: Didn't get that much stuff this year larh, but nevermind. Sent Arnold and Daniel flowers with the inter-jc delivery, but oh, apparently it screwed up, then Daniel got a red rose, and Arnold got 2 white roses, when I sent them each a sunflower. .___. Sooooooooo, Arnold, remember to send me a bigbig bouquet of flowers next year! HAHA! :D It's under reminders there at the sidebar, teehee! Went for BS at night, and missed the OG BBQ. Apparently, Priscilla also didn't go for the BBQ cause she went BS too, so yeah, good I suppose. :P Thankyou Sharyn for the AWESOME ORANGE FLOWERRR! ^^ Happy dating to those who are going out, and to those like me who are stoning either at home or at other places, just date your iPod/lappy/whatever. Makes you feel better, really. (:
Monday, February 9, 2009
, 6:52 PM
Time to add basketball to the list of CCAs attempting to psycho me. Will touch on that later. Today was the first day of official lessons for all IP1s, and I must say, it was a pretty good day. I like my Physics and my Maths teachers, cause they seem like alotalot of fun! But not so for chem, and it's the only subject that has homework already... D: And I'm not that on about how the teacher teaches... Ah well.. Now I have to appoint a Chem rep, and if no one volunteers, I get to choose. :D lalalala. The fun-ness of being CT Rep. Thenthenthen, had first mass PE session today, and gosh, Ms Tan/Jenny/jiaolian der "gf" is teaching 09v12, and since they rotate PE teachers, she'll teach my class soon! .____. Ran 2.4km today, as part of the cross-country training thingy. I was right in front all the way to East Coast, and I wasn't even panting when we stopped! .__. That's good, I suppose. Basketball training is more hiong than that, for sure. But then Ms Tan said that if I want join basketball, I just needa go like once a week enough ler, so I don't lose touch with my playing skills. When we were leaving the school, starting the run, I saw GRANDMA coming back to school! And I called out to him, and he dao me! D: Chionged for CT Council interview after reaching back to school, and I think I screwed it man. Oh well, not like it's the end of the world. I still can be CT Rep, just that I'm not in CT Council. That gives me the option to take both sailing and basketball, sailing as main, basketball just to keep in touch and keep my skills ranking at "playable". There, I'm thinking positively! :D Watched the guys as they had their pull ups talk thingy, and oh gosh, Heyang is imba. .__. Andandand, Ramesh got "molested" by the PE teacher! HAHAHAHAH. Kay, that should be it for now. Time to get started on that Chem homework. Sianned. D:
Saturday, February 7, 2009
, 10:21 PM
YOS peeps, I did promise pics from yesterday right, so here they are! :D Some were taken in the TOILET at Suntec. (x3 camwhoring in the toilet!) A few others were taken at the fountain there, HAHA.  I look so extra, standing in front. :x  We wanted to do like one person at each mirror, but my phone camera range not far enough...  Oh gosh, so blurry.  Eh, why I never smile der. .____.  TESSA, WEEQIN, & PAU! HAHA. Wonder why there was a door labelled Pau. .__.  Don't me and Jolene look like Paus? HAHA.  Aiyo, so childish. xD HAHA. But it looks so cute right! :D  WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? .___. Aiyo, Mark, why you take der pic so blurry. From right to left, 09v13! WHOOO!
There you go, the pics. (:
, 9:22 AM
WHOOOOO, MASS DANCE AT SUNTEC RAWKED! I'm so looking forward to next year's. :D I've lost my voice today, hmm. Ah well, expected, seeing that I cheered and screamed so much last night. Yesterday was last day of VJC Freshman week orientation yep, and we had a sea carnival! I didn't play the stations and all for some reasons, yep. (: I ran the inter-OG relay biathalon yesterday! I haven't trained in like, idk how many months, so I was like pretty reluctant to run, cause they said the distance was 3.8km. .____. But even if I said no, my OGL, Gabriel, is the OG Head, so bo bian lor, no replacement. The distance got changed to 2.4km eventually, so yeah, I was relieved. :D Oh, I was the only IP1 girl running during my leg of the race. .___. The rest were JC1s. But okay larh, I finished 4th. That was the ideal positions my two teammates said they wanted to finish in, so yeah, I think I kinda shocked them by hitting the target. Haha. :D After running right, I didn't even look like I ran at all. .___. My breathing was like, okay and all, like I just jogged or something (though I know I ran), but my legs just couldn't move. That is to be expected larh, seeing that I have a lack of training cause I haven't gone for basketball training in ages. Then, the biathalon ended, and the psycho-ing began. .____. Now I have so many CCAs to choose from. What fun. Let the full-time psycho-ing begin, as lessons start on Monday. :/ Mass Dance at Suntec last night was awesome. All the schools were doing their school trains there, and us DHS people were like "ah, shucks, we have so little peeps from DHS here", when suddenly, a group of DHS Senior High peeps showed up. Whoo, DHS train ftw. (: Dancing was fun yeah, especially friendship dance when Jasmon danced solo! HAHA. Went for class supper at BK after the event, then me and Weeqin got a lift from Gerontius. Time to go finish some other stuffs. Will post pics some other time. Tata peeps. VIVA LA VICTORIA!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
, 9:07 PM
Self-doubt fills me yet again. I'm really wondering, am I who I am because I'm truly like that, or am I like this because of how I have to behave, moulded to be someone who I actually am not. Maybe being the cheerful, hyper girl who has a fetish for all things cute and bright coloured isn't supposed to be that way, but only is like that because of the way things in her life have turned out. Maybe choosing yellow as her fave colour was simply a way to constantly psycho herself to stay happy and cheerful. I get distracted by yellow and bright colours, and they say only mental patients are like that. Maybe I am mental then. I really don't know kay. Emotions and everything are just confusing me over and over again. I suppose it has to do with hormones and growing up and stuff like that. But argh, I really don't know. Sometimes I just wana end it all, you know. Maybe that's why I wrote The Tracks to begin with.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
, 8:39 PM
Class comm elections day! :D Yeah, I got my CT rep role yeah, just nida go through the interview next week. Thank you Gerontius for backing out, and giving that wonderful, touching speech that made Jolene cry. .___. Yeah well, if I were her, I would've given you a hug larh, that speech was touching-pwnage. But then, since I come from DHS, giving guys random hugs would be somewhat inappropriate, right. IPO PWNS JCO. But we still have 2 more days of that crap to go. Don't get me wrong, I know the SCs put in effort, but too much time stalling + too many people + some uncooperative JC1s = poor orientation facilitation + incredibly low and uncooperative IP1s that ended up getting scolded by the IP2s for slacking in our classes as a cohort and ponning sections of JCO. Today wasn't as bad as the first 2 days though, cause there was CCA walkabout! I went to look for basketball and sailing cause well, I wanted to see which one to join right, and though it took me like a longlong time to find the sailing booth, I decided there and then to do sailing again. Why? The basketballers seemed to be so arrogant yeah, while the sailors were nice. :D There was also a really nice Hockey senior who helped me find the booth yeah, though I said I didn't wana join Hockey. Don't know his name larh, but thankyou anyway! :D Saw Norman at the sailing booth yeah, and whoo, they're letting me do 420! :D So my job at the moment is to psycho IP1 PEOPLE TO JOIN SAILING! HAHA! ^^ Went for class dinner just now, and a gathering of 12 dwindled to 7 cause the other 5 had too much fun pangseh-ing us and went to eat Mos Burger. Took bus home myself. Everything just went downhill from there. 'Nuff said.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
, 12:34 PM
OH GOSH I LOVE MY NEW LAPPY! <3 Yeah, it's that YELLOW Dell Inspiron lappy I've wanted since like, last year, and I finally got it for a super-belated Xmas present from my cousin! :D I'm posting on it now, yep, and the keyboard is oh-so-smooth! I also bought a mouse for it (cost like, less than $10), and yep, you guessed it, the mouse is YELLOW too! :D Matching what, so it's nicer! ^^ Bridging curriculum just ended on Friday, and it was a pretty fun time, yeah, working with some of my new classmates. But actually, considering that 3/5 of my group (including me), came from DHS, that's not much of a new experience... We chionged finish the project within the last 3 days, typical DHS standard. (: Oh, I learnt stuff from BC, I did. Some of which include: which people will give obvious signs about partners in Bridge by laughing or smiling the moment the partner is called, and that Lenovo laptops are totally incompatible with the school projectors just cause the laptop's brand isn't on the projector's list of recognised systems. .___. -screams- IS THAT A FINGERPRINT MARK ON MY NEW LAPPY SCREEN I SEE? I"M SORRY LAPPY! -cries and wipes off the mark- LOL. .___. Wonder if I'm going to follow Arnold and "marry" my lappy. :D HAHAH. And daddie, nuer want book one night to talk to you wor. Long time never pei wo talk edi kay, so you can't neglect your nuer der. D:
Yours Truly.
The girl's name is Nicole, or simply Nic for short. She enjoys writing fanfiction and playing basketball, and was born on 06/08/1994.
She currently terrorises the school known as VICTORIA JC, of which she belongs to the VIP, after having wrecked enough havoc in her first six schooling years in Taonan and her subsequent two years in Dunman High.
Her known haunts include the IGLOO, where, being a CT Councillor, she gets to use the foosball table for free. Challenge her ANYTIME you see her there, she'll play with you for sure. :D
She can be really cheerful and hyper and go around poking you nonstop, or she can also be an emo kid, stoning in a corner and channelling her sorrows out in her angsty writings.
Her mood fluctuates wildly, so it is advised not to irk her at all costs.
Thankyou for taking the time to read the above profile.
Want a cookie? ^^
1) ARNOLD: you owe me Valentines' Day (for next year) and Birthday presents! :D
Keep Wishing.
I ain't materialistic. I'm simply idealistic.
`Be able to spend more time with you.
`Happiness. Both yours and mine.
`Prove to myself that everything I stand by and believe in isn't freaking unrealistic and impossible.
`To find my true calling and purpose in life.
`To smile and really, really, smile.
Occupy the Silence.
Feed Me.